last data update: 1969/12/31, 16:00

Website loading time

during the test: 0.52 s

cable connection (average): 1.56 s

DSL connection (average): 2.6 s

modem (average): 57.54 s

HTTP headers

Information about DNS servers


Received from the first DNS server

Request to the server ""
Received 37 bytes from address in 389 ms
Request to the server ""
You used the following DNS server:
DNS Name:
DNS Server Address:
DNS server aliases:

Host not found: 5(REFUSED)
Received 37 bytes from address in 399 ms

Received from the second DNS server

Request to the server ""
Received 37 bytes from address in 94 ms
Request to the server ""
You used the following DNS server:
DNS Name:
DNS Server Address:
DNS server aliases:

Host not found: 5(REFUSED)
Received 37 bytes from address in 94 ms

Subdomains (the first 50)

Typos (misspells)



continent: NA, country: United States (USA), city: Plano

Website value

rank in the traffic statistics:

There is not enough data to estimate website value.

Basic information

website build using CSS

code weight: 399.13 KB

text per all code ratio: 35 %

title: Vancouver Real Estate Anecdote Archive | Stories From The Boom & Bust



encoding: UTF-8

language: en

Website code analysis

one word phrases repeated minimum three times

two word phrases repeated minimum three times

three word phrases repeated minimum three times

B tags

U tags

I tags


file namealternative text




Americans See Canadian Housing Bubble – “One of the conference attendees was as curious about housing prices in Canada as Mr. Kass, and looked at me as if I was crazy. As if somehow simply being Canadian meant I had a direct influence on it.”

Realtor – “I have been eagerly awaiting this month’s statistics to see what sort of bounce back we would see after the slower Summer season. The answer, somewhat surprisingly, is that the we didn’t seen any bounce back in sales activity at all.”

Out-Of-Town Celebrity Spotted In Vancouver – “Could he be buying real estate?”

“A close friend who graduated last year as a gastro specialist from UBC, got his job offer in Eugene, Oregon. I visited for a house warming party. 8,000sqft lot, 3,400sqft house, $328K. I am considering leaving as of now, it’s too much to pay for the views, rain, and short summers.”

“An IT recruiter told me there are almost no quality people. He sees the same applicants again and again. He said that he has never seen such a shortage.”

Tale Of Two Nephews – ‘Ouch!’ and ‘Phew!’

“I am a PhD still living in the basement suite where I did my undergrad. I gross >100k. I just see Vancouver RE as such a horrible investment right now.”

‘Going Going Gone’ – Vancouver’s ‘Generation F’

Was that it? ‘The Top’? [Possibly] – “They are not as excited, they’re taking a wait and see approach. They’ll put an offer in, and the offer may not be close to the asking price, and then the owner might give them a counter offer, and then the buyer is gone.”

Seller ‘Games’ – “I told him has to drop the price. He says no because he needs a high selling price to pay for a new condo in Vancouver which costs $150,000 more.”

Bartender’s Parents Buy Her A Condo – “A lot of my friends are like: “You’re just paying your parents back”.. I’m like, “No it’s not that simple, they are pretty strict”. You know, they’re just like a bank.”

What You Get For $325K In Vancouver – “Maybe a very small, really old, wood-frame apartment, maybe, on the bottom floor, looking at a dumpster, maybe, I’m not sure, but, yeah, really nothing.”

Activism? A Reader’s Posters – “You’re Poorer Than You Think”.

Sensible Responsible Renter – “My mother-in-law, 63, a 200k mortgage on her condo, looks down her nose at where we live and thinks we can’t provide for our coming first child.”

Financial Planner Looking For $400K Condo – “I expected the Vancouver market to be really tough to get into, but the reality is hitting me even harder. I may need to rent while I earn more money for a bigger downpayment.”

North Vancouver Condos – “Our building is 40% occupied and next door, 20%. Like ghost towers, elevators are never busy and everybody has 27 parking spaces.”

“I recently gave up on Vancouver and moved to Silicon Valley. The average salary where I work is around $100k. Yet, the parking garage at work is filled with 10 year old Hondas, Volvos, etc.”

“Tsawwassen Be Damned” ['Vancouver RE-Verse'; Found Poem]

Spot The Speculators #54 – Couple Early 60′s; Home $750K; Recently Purchased 2nd SFH $1M; Total Net-Worth $950K; Percentage Net-Worth In RE 184%

Getting The ‘Financial Intervention’ From The Family RE Cult – “There’s a real blind spot when it comes to understanding the true cost of owning vs. renting. It’s impossible to have a rational, informed discussion when the people you’re talking to have their own set of imaginary facts.”

50%-Off in West Kelowna

“I was losing sleep over my real estate becoming a capital trap, so we moved; sold in North Vancouver to rent in Kelowna‏.”

It’s Official: No Longer “Best Place On Earth” – “Best Place on Earth” was a “broader brand” used only in B.C. “to help motivate British Columbians.”

“I would love RE to go up so I could sell my money pit of a house and get the hell out of here.”

“Just spoke with a client of mine up in 100 mile House. He was saying that he is waiting for price recovery to sell some property.”

Calls For ‘Activism’ Regarding State Of Vancouver RE Markets – What Action, Exactly?

Professors Cross Threshold – “After this fiasco we are completely done. I phoned U.Alberta today and told them that we will take the jobs if they offer them to us. In our view this city is being rapidly ruined.”

“Did it ever hit close to home. Add me to the list of young families looking at options East of the Rockies.”

“Our youth is getting screwed over at the expense of realtors, developers, and a government that’s all too eager to bend over backwards and let a rampant real estate market guide itself.”

Victoria – “One realtor openly stated the one home was overpriced but she was just following the direction of the seller.”

UBC Faculty and Staff Housing Anecdotes – “As a recently recruited Assistant Professor, I feel I have no hope of supporting a family and purchasing a house in Vancouver. I lose a great deal of sleep over trying to make ends meet. This is holding me back from making research and education advances.”

Zero-Down Mortgages In Canada – “Better yet, there are programs available from some financial institutions where they will offer a “free down payment” “

A Mortgage Broker and ‘Sidelined’ Prospective Buyer Living On The West-Side Sees Cooling Market

Such Stupidity Should Not Be Rewarded – “I have a relative that said that she and her husband would ‘buy their dream house’ when their east Vancouver shack, for which they paid $750K, “doubles or triples in value over the next few years”.”

There Is No Such Thing As A ‘Below Market Sale’ – “Priced well BELOW MARKET VALUE! Best price per Sq.Ft. in the building!”

Opinion – “Many young people have sacrificed making families in favour of mortgage debt. Quite simply, kids are not affordable to them anymore.”

“Sold our condo in noisy Yaletown, bought 5 acres in a small town in Eastern Township of Quebec, built a house. Debt load is a small fraction of what we had and lifestyle is way up.”

Mike Brock, National Post – “The hidden Canadian housing bubble”

Global TV – Young Couples Leaving BC – “You’re not putting all your money into the house itself.”

Guerrilla Advertising On reddit? – “Just moved here, and have been renting a place for 4 months. My wife and kids (3 boys) are now coming to live here with me. I need to buy a home.”

Quick Snapshot Of Potential First Time Home Buyer – “We were hours away from closing on a townhouse in Port Moody when we decided to walk away from it. I’ve never been happier with that decision. Thankfully logic trumped emotion.”

Local Realtor – “The one thing that throws me in Vancouver are the rents. I can’t believe people paying $1700 for a 1 bed on a busy street. Some maxed-out owners should thank their lucky stars at the $$ they are getting.”

“I’ve been to a number of open houses here in Victoria quite recently. The realtors are looking rather concerned. Each said we’re open to offers, in fact one said any offer.”

Vancouver and Phoenix Compared – Our Speculative Mania Is Twice The Size; ‘LAS VANCAS’ Revisited

Their Past Is Our Present – Phoenix Bull Hubris, circa 2006

US Speculative Mania Aftermath – “His former house fetched less than a quarter of what Mr. Reilly owed on it. His bank sued him for the rest.”

Subprime Canada – “Had a client call today about possibly buying a rental property with 0% down and a 3% variable rate mortgage.”

Request To Readers From ‘Global TV’ – “I’m doing a story next week comparing renting vs. buying in today’s market, and would like to talk to anyone who may have sold their property in the past year or so in order to rent instead.”

“Intuition and Instinct” Reassures North Vancouver ‘Residential Designer’ – “We’ll be able to weather whatever market storms come our way.”

Macleans on the Futility of Prudence – “My fear is that most people in Canada are now debtors and not savers, and so governments will enact policies to help them because they make up most of the population. Savers may get screwed on the way down, too.”


Americans See Canadian Housing Bubble – “One of the conference attendees was as curious about housing prices in Canada as Mr. Kass, and looked at me as if I was crazy. As if somehow simply being Canadian meant I had a direct influence on it.”

Realtor – “I have been eagerly awaiting this month’s statistics to see what sort of bounce back we would see after the slower Summer season. The answer, somewhat surprisingly, is that the we didn’t seen any bounce back in sales activity at all.”

Out-Of-Town Celebrity Spotted In Vancouver – “Could he be buying real estate?”

“A close friend who graduated last year as a gastro specialist from UBC, got his job offer in Eugene, Oregon. I visited for a house warming party. 8,000sqft lot, 3,400sqft house, $328K. I am considering leaving as of now, it’s too much to pay for the views, rain, and short summers.”

“An IT recruiter told me there are almost no quality people. He sees the same applicants again and again. He said that he has never seen such a shortage.”

Tale Of Two Nephews – ‘Ouch!’ and ‘Phew!’

“I am a PhD still living in the basement suite where I did my undergrad. I gross >100k. I just see Vancouver RE as such a horrible investment right now.”

‘Going Going Gone’ – Vancouver’s ‘Generation F’

Was that it? ‘The Top’? [Possibly] – “They are not as excited, they’re taking a wait and see approach. They’ll put an offer in, and the offer may not be close to the asking price, and then the owner might give them a counter offer, and then the buyer is gone.”

Seller ‘Games’ – “I told him has to drop the price. He says no because he needs a high selling price to pay for a new condo in Vancouver which costs $150,000 more.”

Bartender’s Parents Buy Her A Condo – “A lot of my friends are like: “You’re just paying your parents back”.. I’m like, “No it’s not that simple, they are pretty strict”. You know, they’re just like a bank.”

What You Get For $325K In Vancouver – “Maybe a very small, really old, wood-frame apartment, maybe, on the bottom floor, looking at a dumpster, maybe, I’m not sure, but, yeah, really nothing.”

Activism? A Reader’s Posters – “You’re Poorer Than You Think”.

Sensible Responsible Renter – “My mother-in-law, 63, a 200k mortgage on her condo, looks down her nose at where we live and thinks we can’t provide for our coming first child.”

Financial Planner Looking For $400K Condo – “I expected the Vancouver market to be really tough to get into, but the reality is hitting me even harder. I may need to rent while I earn more money for a bigger downpayment.”

North Vancouver Condos – “Our building is 40% occupied and next door, 20%. Like ghost towers, elevators are never busy and everybody has 27 parking spaces.”

“I recently gave up on Vancouver and moved to Silicon Valley. The average salary where I work is around $100k. Yet, the parking garage at work is filled with 10 year old Hondas, Volvos, etc.”

“Tsawwassen Be Damned” ['Vancouver RE-Verse'; Found Poem]

Spot The Speculators #54 – Couple Early 60′s; Home $750K; Recently Purchased 2nd SFH $1M; Total Net-Worth $950K; Percentage Net-Worth In RE 184%

Getting The ‘Financial Intervention’ From The Family RE Cult – “There’s a real blind spot when it comes to understanding the true cost of owning vs. renting. It’s impossible to have a rational, informed discussion when the people you’re talking to have their own set of imaginary facts.”

50%-Off in West Kelowna

“I was losing sleep over my real estate becoming a capital trap, so we moved; sold in North Vancouver to rent in Kelowna‏.”

It’s Official: No Longer “Best Place On Earth” – “Best Place on Earth” was a “broader brand” used only in B.C. “to help motivate British Columbians.”

“I would love RE to go up so I could sell my money pit of a house and get the hell out of here.”

“Just spoke with a client of mine up in 100 mile House. He was saying that he is waiting for price recovery to sell some property.”

Calls For ‘Activism’ Regarding State Of Vancouver RE Markets – What Action, Exactly?

Professors Cross Threshold – “After this fiasco we are completely done. I phoned U.Alberta today and told them that we will take the jobs if they offer them to us. In our view this city is being rapidly ruined.”

“Did it ever hit close to home. Add me to the list of young families looking at options East of the Rockies.”

“Our youth is getting screwed over at the expense of realtors, developers, and a government that’s all too eager to bend over backwards and let a rampant real estate market guide itself.”

Victoria – “One realtor openly stated the one home was overpriced but she was just following the direction of the seller.”

UBC Faculty and Staff Housing Anecdotes – “As a recently recruited Assistant Professor, I feel I have no hope of supporting a family and purchasing a house in Vancouver. I lose a great deal of sleep over trying to make ends meet. This is holding me back from making research and education advances.”

Zero-Down Mortgages In Canada – “Better yet, there are programs available from some financial institutions where they will offer a “free down payment” “

A Mortgage Broker and ‘Sidelined’ Prospective Buyer Living On The West-Side Sees Cooling Market

Such Stupidity Should Not Be Rewarded – “I have a relative that said that she and her husband would ‘buy their dream house’ when their east Vancouver shack, for which they paid $750K, “doubles or triples in value over the next few years”.”

There Is No Such Thing As A ‘Below Market Sale’ – “Priced well BELOW MARKET VALUE! Best price per Sq.Ft. in the building!”

Opinion – “Many young people have sacrificed making families in favour of mortgage debt. Quite simply, kids are not affordable to them anymore.”

“Sold our condo in noisy Yaletown, bought 5 acres in a small town in Eastern Township of Quebec, built a house. Debt load is a small fraction of what we had and lifestyle is way up.”

Mike Brock, National Post – “The hidden Canadian housing bubble”

Global TV – Young Couples Leaving BC – “You’re not putting all your money into the house itself.”

Guerrilla Advertising On reddit? – “Just moved here, and have been renting a place for 4 months. My wife and kids (3 boys) are now coming to live here with me. I need to buy a home.”

Quick Snapshot Of Potential First Time Home Buyer – “We were hours away from closing on a townhouse in Port Moody when we decided to walk away from it. I’ve never been happier with that decision. Thankfully logic trumped emotion.”

Local Realtor – “The one thing that throws me in Vancouver are the rents. I can’t believe people paying $1700 for a 1 bed on a busy street. Some maxed-out owners should thank their lucky stars at the $$ they are getting.”

“I’ve been to a number of open houses here in Victoria quite recently. The realtors are looking rather concerned. Each said we’re open to offers, in fact one said any offer.”

Vancouver and Phoenix Compared – Our Speculative Mania Is Twice The Size; ‘LAS VANCAS’ Revisited

Their Past Is Our Present – Phoenix Bull Hubris, circa 2006

US Speculative Mania Aftermath – “His former house fetched less than a quarter of what Mr. Reilly owed on it. His bank sued him for the rest.”

Subprime Canada – “Had a client call today about possibly buying a rental property with 0% down and a 3% variable rate mortgage.”

Request To Readers From ‘Global TV’ – “I’m doing a story next week comparing renting vs. buying in today’s market, and would like to talk to anyone who may have sold their property in the past year or so in order to rent instead.”

“Intuition and Instinct” Reassures North Vancouver ‘Residential Designer’ – “We’ll be able to weather whatever market storms come our way.”

Macleans on the Futility of Prudence – “My fear is that most people in Canada are now debtors and not savers, and so governments will enact policies to help them because they make up most of the population. Savers may get screwed on the way down, too.”




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