last data update: 2011/10/15, 08:12

Website loading time

during the test: 0.4 s

cable connection (average): 0.65 s

DSL connection (average): 0.9 s

modem (average): 14 s

HTTP headers

Information about DNS servers

roytov.comSOAns1.webs.comroot.webs.com010800 3600 1814400 3600 IN 10800

Received from the first DNS server

Request to the server ""
You used the following DNS server:
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DNS Server Address:
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HEADER opcode: REQUEST, status: NOERROR, id: 39322
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SECTION NOTES: 10800 IN A 10800 IN A

Received 195 bytes from address in 14 ms

Received from the second DNS server

Request to the server ""
You used the following DNS server:
DNS Name:
DNS Server Address:
DNS server aliases:

HEADER opcode: REQUEST, status: NOERROR, id: 49180
flag: qr aa rd REQUEST: 1, ANSWER: 5, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 2


ANSWER SECTION: 10800 IN A 10800 IN SOA 0 10800 3600 1814400 3600 10800 IN NS 10800 IN MX 0 10800 IN NS

SECTION NOTES: 10800 IN A 10800 IN A

Received 195 bytes from address in 22 ms

Subdomains (the first 50)

Typos (misspells)



continent: NA, country: United States (USA), city: Silver Spring

Website value

rank in the traffic statistics:

There is not enough data to estimate website value.

Basic information

website build using CSS

code weight: 95.17 KB

text per all code ratio: 23 %

title: Roy Tov


keywords: Israel, State of Israel, Medinat Israel, Israel terror state, israeli, Israel is a terror state, People of Israel, jew, jews, jewish, jewry, yehudi, yehudim, yehudonim, yehudit, Roy, Tov, The Cross of Bethlehem: The Memoirs of a Refugee, memoirs, refugee, Hebrew, Christian, Dow Chemical, Dow, TDCC, Midland, Lake Jackson, Tomassi, Turk, Caspi, Arik, Ben Zaquen, USA, US, Lincoln, Rachel Corrie, Aisha Adnan Al-Bahsh, Hyam Ayash, Discrimination, Extrajudicial, Execution, Tsahal, IDF, Mossad, Shabak, Shin-Beth, Corruption, Oligarchy, Plutocracy, Jacobson, Constitution, Refuge, PNAS, Zion, Zionist, anti-Zionist, anti-Zionism, Gaza, Palestine, Palestinian, Division 98, harassment, Star of Bethlehem, Basilica of Nativity, Bethlehem, Jesus, Christ, semantics, war, sacrifice, ID card, We the People, arbitrary government, law, disinformation, misinformation, Dodgy Dossier, Abu Gosh, Abou Gosh, church, basilica, siege, persecution, Jinghong, Khon Kaen, My House, Udon Thani, Nong Khai, Vientiane, political persecution, harassment, institutional harassment, Israeli Political Police, Institutional Assassinations, Rabin Assassination, Israeli Assassinations, Johanne Turk, Roni, Deir al-Balah, Experiments on Humans, Nuremberg, Declaration of Helsinki, Kibbutz, Illegal State Sponsored Experiments, IDF, online racism, disinformation techniques, Israeli psy-war techniques, suma qhana, sumaqhana, justino choque, wilson acho, #1 anti-israeli website, Netanyau, Dagan, Barak, Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations, Mossad Le'aliyah Bet, Zionist crime organization, zionist, British mandate of Palestine, refuge, refugee, 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Israel, State of Israel, Christianity, Jesus, Judaism, Palestine, Tsahal, IDF, Mossad, Shabak, Shin-Beth, Corruption, Oligarchy, Bolivia, Evo Morales, Sanabria

encoding: windows-1252

language: en

Website code analysis

one word phrases repeated minimum three times

two word phrases repeated minimum three times

three word phrases repeated minimum three times

B tags





Die Vorstellung

Index Sections:

New in the Website and Highlights

On Jewish Paranoia

State Sponsored Violence

Israel's Tricks

Israel's Sovereignty

On a Non Obvious Answer

On My Becoming a Refugee

On a Heavy Cross

Knesset, Mossad and More

The Dow Chemical Company

On the King David Hotel Attack and Israeli Art Students

On Attacks, Fake Rock Bands and Zion's Informants


Who is a Refugee?

October 16, 2009: UN Defines Israel as "Terror Inflicting"

The Day Israel Died

A result of this attack was Gaza's Freedom Flotilla:


Gaza: The Pictures

Defeating Israel

Defeating Israel: Is It Possible?

you must accept our solution to the problem because we are stronger.

even more than the Palestinian Authority

Now Also for Kindle

I Told You!

On Judaism

Talmud, Bible and More

Happy Hanukkah: On Jewish Demons

On Sabbath

On Racist Rabbis

It's Raining Rabbis, Avoy!

Written With Charcoal

On Hebrew

On the State of Israel

On a Terror State

A Zionist Anarchy

On Israeli Defamatory Techniques

2011 protests

On Victims


Holocaust and Jewish Holidays

Holocaust’s End

Mossad, Shabak and Patsies

On the IDF

The World Around Us

Not everything is about Israel

Holy See



TSA Means Terror

USA 2011: Political Police State

American Hikers or CIA Spies?

US Decline = Israel Disappearance?



Netanyahu’s False Flag on Iran

Some Personal Notes

On "Roy Tov," the background picture, and more

Bolivia’s Treason

On Bad Faith and Cold Hearts


Get These Books Before They Are Banned!

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I tags


The Cross of Bethlehem | The Memoirs of a Refugee



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The Cross of Bethlehem
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Sermon on the Mount
The Good Shepherd
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internal links

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Suma Qhana
Die Vorstellung
Christopher Bollyn Interviews Roy Tov
… read more
Nexus Magazine reviews The Cross of Bethlehem
Press Release: The Cross of Bethlehem
The Cross of Bethlehem: Prologue – A Bad Sniper
Israel’s Sovereignty
UN Definition of Israel as Terror Inflicting
Freedom Flotilla
Defeating Israel
The World around Us
Letters and Notes
Bolivia’s Treason
No Way Home for Gilad Shalit
Detaining Democracy
Operation "Free Britain"
Palestinian Hero Gilad Shalit Freed
NATO’s Missile Defense Backfires
Roy Tov Detained by Bolivia
Jewish Terror Hits Tuba
Trapped between Jewish Vampires and Goldman Sachs
Noam Chomsky: The United States is a Leading Terrorist State
Israel Uses Its First GBU-28 Bunker Buster
Evo Morales Defeated by a Crying Mosetano Girl
The Palestinian Error
Netanyahu is not a Netanyahu
American Led Apocalypse
Guilty by their own rules: Surveillance States
Netanyahu’s Last Speech
The Next Neighbor: Netanyahu and the PKK
Judging Israel
Evo Morales, TIPNIS and Illusions of Green
Out of the north an evil shall break…
Corroboration of Killing
Media Manipulation, Libya and Western Lies
Between Ayo Ayo and Bethlehem
CIA, Coca and Corruption
Zionist Libya
The Perfume of Poison
Bibi Antoinette: Guillotine in Tel Aviv
Sea War
Facebook and Chile: Chronicles of a CIA Dictatorship
Monster Rabbi
Will Facebook Collapse?
Assassins’ Creed
Rabbinical Fake: 6000 Differences
Kibbutz 2011: Sin and Sentence
Jerusalem’s Holocaust Day
Jewish Compassion
The Nastiest Nazi
German Law’s Holocaust
Escaping Zion: Matrix, WWII and Now
To Obama, from Geronimo
Netanyahu: Between Uganda and Argentina
On the Cross: Easter and the Jews
Humanism Fanatics; Gullible Christians
Is Zuckerberg Mossad?
Zion, Sex and Resolution 3379
Dayan: “Like Pravda;” Mesika: “Police Hallucinates”
Peres: “England anti-Semitic”
… read more
Christopher Bollyn Interviews Roy Tov
… read more
IIB, Bibi and Terror
… read more
UN: Israel is Terror
Is Israel Sovereign?
The Gaza Sermons
Home Page
Search This Website
Is Israel Sovereign?
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Roy Tov Detained by Bolivia
Guilty by their own rules: Surveillance States
Between Ayo Ayo and Bethlehem
CIA, Coca and Corruption
On a Jewish Spy and the Republic of Santa Cruz
The Perfume of Poison
Roy Tov Declared Political Prisoner in Bolivia
Kicked Out and Down: On Bolivian Morals
Fact: Israel Poisons
Prisoner in Bolivia
I Apologize to Israel
Christopher Bollyn Interviews Roy Tov
Press Release: The Cross of Bethlehem
The Cross of Bethlehem: Prologue – A Bad Sniper
Mossad Agents Calcinated in Uyuni
Zuckerberg, Ostrovsky and Mossad
Knesset Denies Help to Attacked Israeli
Mossad, Sonic Weapons & Haled Mashal
Cowardice: Meir Dagan versus Hamdi Quran
Satan's Servant
Statan and Walsinghamian states
What Israel Won’t Get: On Burger King and Vanunu
Siphoning Out Science
On the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and the SS
Modern Moles
On Harassment Techniques
Photographed with Hitler and Videotaped with Madonna
On Censorship
Satan's Army
On Illegal Transfer of Missiles Technologies by Dow to Israel
Darf ich mich vorstellen?
Dow Chemical and the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Portrait of a Jewish Terrorist: Jonatan Caspi
Arik Caspi is Upset
9/11 and The cross of Bethlehem
Arik and Jerusalem’s King David Hotel
On Bezalel, Fake Art and Israeli Art Students
Roy Tov Attacked on May 13
Following Google, Facebook Attacks
An Attack’s Anatomy: On Israeli Terror
On Suma Qhana and a Bad Pastor: Wilson Acho and Justino Choque
$20000 for Your Daughter
Broken Arms
Spoiling Pygmalion’s Job
Scrambling up State Spies
Weapons of Data Destruction: On Memories and Memory Cards
On Iran, Skype and a Fallen Prince
On Web Safety, Amazon and Paypal
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Convention and Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees
Go Top
“Yehudon!” Open Letter to Justice Goldstone
Justice from the Hip
The Day Israel Died
The Devil's Own
The Palestinian Kristallnacht
Calling for International Intervention in Israel
Vetoing the American Veto
Jewish Values
Convergence: Freedom Flotilla, Palestinian Independence and Israel as a Failed State
Corroboration of Killing
From Aloni to Zuabi: Flotilla Attacks
The Ugandans Attack
On the Devil's Advocate and Gaza's Flotilla
Napo Beats Bibi
White Washing War Crimes
Turkel: On Dark Ages and Lesser Evil
Isolating Israel: Flotilla Aftermath
On Shayetet 13, State Terror and Gaza’s Freedom Flotilla
Freedom Flotilla to Gaza: on a Pirate Nation
Sermon on the Mount
Apostle Paul, the State of Israel and Christian Leadership
Father, forgive them
blind also
kingdom of heaven
True People of Israel
... read more
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Elie Wiesel
Defeating Israel
September 1: Anti-Israeli Coalition is Operative
Eastern Coalition
Sinai’s Seismic Shift
Exodus of Israel - the Aftermath
Exodus of Israel
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An Attack’s Anatomy: On Israeli Terror
… read more
On Rachel Corrie’s Assassin
… read more
Trapped between Jewish Vampires and Goldman Sachs
Monster Rabbi
Rabbinical Fake: 6000 Differences
Jewish Compassion
On the Cross: Easter and the Jews
Humanism Fanatics; Gullible Christians
The Writing is on Facebook: Jews Don't Love
Judaism as anti-Semitism
Rejecting Israel: On Christian Leadership
Israel as an Antichrist
The Fourth Oath: Israel as a Talmudic State
On the Eighth Day God Ended His Work
Jewish Biblical Manipulations
Happy Hanukkah: On Jewish Demons
Jewish Bastards: Yom Kippur 2010
Jewish Wisdom: Kill Kids
Surviving Passover
Is Quoting the Talmud Anti-Semitic?
No Mercy - On Supremacist Rabbis
Who is a Jew?
Easter 2010: Jewry Attacks the Church
Satan's Safehouse: On Judaism
Even Hitler's Name Wasn't Changed
Sabbath's Goy
God’s Clowns: On Jewish Sabbath
Pharisaic Pride: On a Sunny Sabbath, a Good Apostle and Talmudic Judaism
On Racist Rabbis
It's Raining Rabbis, Avoy!
Written With Charcoal
“Kooshi” is Hebrew for “Nigger”
On the Face: On Jewish-Hebrew Humor
Naming Sins: On Hebrew Names
On Gathering Places: Saying "Church" in Hebrew
True Faith: Saying "Christian" in Hebrew
Waiting to Messiah: On Hebrew Rock Music
Go Top
No Way Home for Gilad Shalit
Palestinian Hero Gilad Shalit Freed
Jewish Terror Hits Tuba
Israel Uses Its First GBU-28 Bunker Buster
The Palestinian Error
Netanyahu is not a Netanyahu
Guilty by their own rules: Surveillance States
Netanyahu’s Last Speech
The Next Neighbor: Netanyahu and the PKK
Shifting Alliances: Turkey vs. Israel
Would Israel Attack Egypt?
Judging Israel
Corroboration of Killing
Abu Fadi: A Credible Conspiracy
Israel’s Black Sunday
Netanyahu’s Trial
September ’11: D-Day
Winter Wars
Bibi Goes to War
September's War
Empire and McFalafel
From Aloni to Zuabi: Flotilla Attacks
Herem - Boycott Bill
Katzav, Institutional Entrapment and Witnesses Harassment
Assassins’ Creed
Kibbutz 2011: Sin and Sentence
On Israel, Iran, and Rich Jews
Jewish Compassion
Is Netanyahu Next?
The Nastiest Nazi
Escaping Zion: Matrix, WWII and Now
Barak Hits Dagan: Fueling WMD
Israel Hit by Israeli WMD
A Zionist Anarchy
Violating Jerusalem
Lieberman Revives Palestinian Transfer
Next Bomb is Courtesy of Netanyahu
Knesset’s Train of Racism
Who Are You Talking With?
Zionists Digging Their Own Graves: On Atra Kadisha
Jewish Racism & Political Police
V: Non-Persecuted Jews are Israeli Agents
Jewish Paradise's Empty Husks
On a False Messiah and Apartheid’s End
Kibbutz: Final Breaths?
Jerusalem's Berlin Wall
Bad Shepherds: on the Israeli Mythos
State of Judas
Open Letter to the ADL
Is Hamas behind Israeli Protests?
Bibi Antoinette: Guillotine in Tel Aviv
Monsters in Tel Aviv
Cheesy Israel
The Process – Dealing with Satan
The Two sides of Terror
Jewish Wars: “Terrorists in Black”
Dayan: “Like Pravda;” Mesika: “Police Hallucinates”
Semantics: 4 Terrorists Killed Near Hebron
On the Bedouin Intifada and a Flying Camel
Palestinian Holocaust: Children Victims of Cast Lead
Gassing the Druze
I Told You! On Rachel Corrie’s Assassin
Aisha: As Time Goes By
Tel Aviv's Black Christmas
Hyam Ayash: Just Walk Away!
A War on Olive Trees
Dr. Mengele Blues: Israel’s Experiments on Humans
Free of (yet) another Racist
1264 New Testimonies
Mossad, Matrix and Mortgage
Damages, Rothschild!
New Israeli Pogrom
Black September: Barak Sends Jews to Finland
Shiber Shiber, Beit Beit, Dar Dar, Zenga Zenga
State Spy in Shas?
Katzav and the Supreme Court of Entrapment
Netanyahu’s March Offensive
Israel’s Mubarak
Tunisia, Egypt… Israel?
The Last Law – Giur in the IDF
Nuclear Chutzpah
IIB, Bibi and Terror
Netanyahu’s Zigzag: Bravo Bibi!
Likud’s Latest Zigzag
TASE: Temple of Terror
Netanyahu’s Mule: On an Unholy Alliance
Fake Heritage
Silent Milestone
Bloody Matza
Bonds of Terror
Ruin of Jerusalem: the Third Temple
Shimon Peres: Lawrence of Poland
Call Me, Lieberman!
Rightwards: Right Wing Politics in Israel
Worried of Warring Livni: Honcho Poncho on Syria
Jerusalem’s Holocaust Day
The Farce Goes On: Bush as Shakespeare
Special for Israel’s Independence Day
New Year’s Eve: On a Strange Veil
Holocaust’s End
Yad Vashem, Netanyahu and the Holocaust
Holocaust Day
On Ramadan at the Farthest Mosque and a Question to Bibi
The Cult of Anne Frank
Mamma Mia! Mamilla and Auschwitz
September 2009: Yom Kippur, Gazassins and 9/11
Cementing 1984: A Coffee at TASE
On Israeli Crimes in Africa and Western Media
Shin Beth's Most Famous Prisoner
Defining Mossad
Evil Eye: New Secret Units
From the Third Reich to Reichman
Ezrahoot 1984: Brainwashing’s Clockwork
Pyongyang, Israel: Banning Chomsky
How Many Countries?
Three Layers of Deception: On RAFAEL and Anti-Missiles Technology
Israel's Technologies Transfers
Tracking ID's
On Illegal Underground State Agents, Assassinations and Lost Legitimacy
No Problemo, Schwartz!
Netanyahu: Between Uganda and Argentina
Goldstone Determines IDF Head
A Galant Act of Terror
Is Israel South Vietnam?
Hezbollah Beats Kingfisher
Israeli Subs: On Dolphins and German Crimes
IDF = Singapore's Defense Forces
Cluster Crimes: Israel and Cluster Bombs
Attacking Iran, Conquering the Finger
The Saving Shalit Business
Haiti and the IDF: Uncle Obama Pays
On General Ashkenazi, Apostle Paul and War Crimes
Get It, Gantz!
IDF on the Run
Kav 300 Forever
A Missile of Hope
IDF Solves Terror Problem
An Eye for an Eye: On War Semantics
On War Semantics: Civilian Cities
Running South: On Israel's Defeat in Lebanon
Go Top
The Da Vinci Nazi
Rivlin: On a Good Pope, a Bad Politician and an Evil General
Is the Vatican Training Hezbollah?
Israel Attacks Again the Holy See
The Palestinian Error
Netanyahu is not a Netanyahu
Netanyahu’s Last Speech
Judging Israel
White September: Double Strike on Israel
The Day Palestine was Born
Humiliating Abbas
Israeli Palestinian Talks Halted: Now What?
NATO’s Missile Defense Backfires
Noam Chomsky: The United States is a Leading Terrorist State
Trapped between Jewish Vampires and Goldman Sachs
Israel Uses Its First GBU-28 Bunker Buster
American Led Apocalypse
Media Manipulation, Libya and Western Lies
Will Facebook Collapse?
To Obama, from Geronimo
Netanyahu in America: Girly Makeup
Is Zuckerberg Mossad?
Gold-pegged Yuan; Peso-pegged Dollar
9/11 and American Inherent Instability
Google Attacks
On WikiLeaks, 9/11 and American Terror
TSA Means Terror
USA 2011: Political Police State
American Hikers or CIA Spies?
US Decline = Israel Disappearance?
US Elections: Israel Won
WikiLeaks and the CIA War against Iran
Iran 2 : US 0
Solving America’s Jewish Problem
Quran-burning: a Jewish Conspiracy?
Obama’s Hopeless Speech
Illusions: On the US Government Biased Statistics and DARPA
Jews Attack Jewish WWII Survivor in Kansas
Jewish Terror Reaches California
Devil’s Agent: AIPAC, Bibi and Terror
Elie Wiesel’s Contradictions
Are America's leaders testing God?
On an American Weather Balloon
Larry David: An Ocean Apart
Rachel Corrie Was Killed Twice
Lincoln and the Palestinians
Wag the Dog: Would the US attack Iran?
We, the People
Racial Attack on President Obama on the Hebrew Media
Operation "Free Britain"
The Queen’s Smoking Gun: On British Phone Hacking
The Blair Witch Project – On Western Censorship and War Crimes
On MI5 and Phony Phones
Iran’s Victory
Peres: “England anti-Semitic”
On Bloody Sunday and Queen Elizabeth II
MI5, CAZAB and Israel
Detaining Democracy
NATO’s Missile Defense Backfires
The Next Neighbor: Netanyahu and the PKK
Shifting Alliances: Turkey vs. Israel
Would Israel Attack Egypt?
Evo Morales, TIPNIS and Illusions of Green
Out of the north an evil shall break…
Media Manipulation, Libya and Western Lies
Zionist Libya
Abu Fadi: A Credible Conspiracy
Nato’s Terror Marshals
Facebook and Chile: Chronicles of a CIA Dictatorship
Attacking Libya, Sparing Syria
Casus Belli
German Law’s Holocaust
Rafah: Another Brick Off the Wall
Zion, Sex and Resolution 3379
Zionist Suez: Iranian Ships Blocked
Tunisia, Egypt… Israel?
Israeli Diplomacy – They Have a Dream, We Have Facts
Netanyahu’s False Flag on Iran
WikiLeaks and the CIA War against Iran
State Lies
Afghanistan, Wikileaks and Walsingham: On State Terror
On Kosovo and Palestine
Controlling the Internet of Things
Go Top
The Good Shepherd
Letters to the Website
Roy Tov
Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha
background picture
Detaining Democracy
Roy Tov Detained by Bolivia
Evo Morales Defeated by a Crying Mosetano Girl
Evo Morales, TIPNIS and Illusions of Green
Between Ayo Ayo and Bethlehem
CIA, Coca and Corruption
On a Jewish Spy and the Republic of Santa Cruz
The Perfume of Poison
Roy Tov Declared Political Prisoner in Bolivia
Kicked Out and Down: On Bolivian Morals
Fact: Israel Poisons
Prisoner in Bolivia
An Attack’s Anatomy: On Israeli Terror
On Suma Qhana and a Bad Pastor: Wilson Acho and Justino Choque
$20000 for Your Daughter
Broken Arms
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Roy Tov
email me

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The Cross of Bethlehem
The Cross of Bethlehem
The Cross of Bethlehem
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