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title: Open Letters Monthly - an Arts and Literature Review


keywords: david chandler, barn owl, owls, natural history, birds, barn owl, birds, natural history, owls, adrian goldsworthy, antony and cleopatra, cleopatra, mark antony, ancient rome, roman history, 1066, peter rex, norman conquest, william the conqueror, harald, history, british history, alice hoffman, the dovekeepers, contemporary fiction, historical fiction, contemporary fiction, historical fiction, the dovekeepers, exodus from the alamo, phillip thomas tucker, alamo, davy crockett, american history, alamo, american history, davy crockett, history, phillip thomas tucker, caravaggio, andrew graham-dixon, biography, painting, , andrew graham-dixon, biography, painting, theodora, byzantium, justinian, stella duffy, byzantium, fiction, justinian, stella duffy, rsc, shakespeare, rsc shakespeare, eric rasmussen, jonathan bate, modern library, eric rasmussen, jonathan bate, modern library, shakespeare, american revolution, french revolution, chou en lai, boston phoenix, martin luther 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the stranger's child, times literary supplement, to the lighthouse, virginia woolf, the splendor of portugal, the land at the end of the world, antónio lobo antunes, dalkey archive press, w w norton, joshua lustig, open letter monthly, angolan war of independence, vietnam, antónio de oliveira salazar, os cus de judas, hemingway, a farewell to arms, cold war, voltaire, knowledge of hell, baixa de cassanje, return of the caravels, ryszard kapuściński, another day of life, ussr, china, unita, south africa, us, j m coetzee, v s naipaul, a bend in the river, waiting for the barbarians and disgrace, a bend in the river, a farewell to arms, angolan war of independence, another day of life, antónio de oliveira salazar, antónio lobo antunes, baixa de cassanje, china, cold war, dalkey archive press, hemingway, j.m. coetzee, joshua lustig, knowledge of hell, open letter monthly, os cus de judas, return of the caravels, ryszard kapuściński, south africa, the land at the end of the world, unita, 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tor, war and american diplomacy, wau holland foundation, wikileaks, wikirebels, wired, ivan lett, penguin, triumph of the city, triumph of the city: how our greatest invention makes us richer smarter greener healthier and happier, penguin, triumph of the city, triumph of the city: how our greatest invention makes us richer smarter greener healthier and happier, second glance, michael adams, barbara pym, lord david cecil, phillip larkin, excellent women, quartet in autumn, booker prize, e.p. dutton, macmillan, jacqueline schuman, new york times, john updike, new yorker, shirley hazzard, jane austen, hazel holt, a very private eye, civil to strangers, the barbara pym cookbook, anthony trollope, sir arthur conan doyle, a glass of blessings, e.f. benson, angela thirkell, nancy mitford, agatha christie, st. hilda's, women's royal naval service, world war ii, international african institute, church of england, jane and prudence, charlotte m. yonge, coventry patmore, masterpiece theater, a glass of blessings, a very private eye, agatha christie, angela thirkell, anthony trollope, barbara pym, booker prize, charlotte m. yonge, church of england, civil to strangers, coventry patmore, e. f. benson, e.p. dutton, excellent women, hazel holt, international african institute, jacqueline schuman, jane and prudence, jane austen, john updike, lord david cecil, macmillan, masterpiece theater, michael adams, nancy mitford, new yorker, phillip larkin, quartet in autumn, second glance, shirley hazzard, sir arthur conan doyle, st. hilda's, the barbara pym cookbook, women's royal naval service, world war ii, jenn mccreary, to the river, to the river: a journey beneath the surface, olivia laing, canongate books, anne fernald, ouse river, england, eat pray love, uck, jeremiah milles, sussex, thomas browne, hydriotaphia, gilbert white, natural history of selborne, henry david thoreau, virginia woolf, sussex downs, the waves, asheham house, edward gibbon, the decline and fall of the roman empire, piltdown man, the wind in the willows, battle of lewes, john bayley, iris murdoch, oxford, anne fernald, asheham house, battle of lewes, canongate books, eat pray love, edward gibbon, england, gilbert white, henry david thoreau, hydriotaphia, iris murdoch, jeremiah milles, john bayley, natural history of selborne, olivia laing, ouse river, oxford, piltdown man, sussex, sussex downs, the decline and fall of the roman empire, the waves, the wind in the willows, thomas browne, to the river, to the river: a journey beneath the surface, uck, sylvia townsend warner, mr. fortune, mr. fortune's maggot, nyrb, new york review of books, new york review books, lolly willowes, summer will show, valentine ackland, book-of-the-month club, subversive feminism and satirical attacks on bourgeois convention, great mop, chiltern hills, the salutation, robinson crusoe, george eliot, daniel deronda, sarah bernhardt, alison lurie, a room of one's own, mrs. dalloway, communist manifesto, a room of one's own, alison lurie, book-of-the-month club, chiltern hills, communist manifesto, daniel deronda, george eliot, great mop, lolly willowes, mr. fortune, mr. fortune's maggot, mrs. dalloway, new york review books, new york review of books, nyrb, robinson crusoe, sarah bernhardt, subversive feminism and satirical attacks on bourgeois convention, summer will show, the salutation, valentine ackland, the oxford handbook of john donne, john donne, jeanne shami, dennis flynn, m. thomas hester, oxford university press, david lodge, morris zapp, jane austen, indiana university press, g. a. stringer, norton critical edition, r.c. bald, essential articles, johan sommerville, robert cecil, alison shell, patrick collinson, english reformation, james i, kirsten sterling, michael price, r. v. young, gregory kneidel, dryden, problems of literary interpretation that have been traditionally and generally important in donne studies, judith scherer herz, biathanatos, sir robert ker, alison shell, biathanatos, david lodge, dennis flynn, dryden, english reformation, essential articles, g. a. stringer, gregory kneidel, indiana university press, james i, jeanne shami, johan sommerville, john donne, judith scherer herz, kirsten sterling, m. thomas hester, michael price, morris zapp, norton critical edition, oxford university press, patrick collinson, problems of literary interpretation that have been traditionally and generally important in donne studies, r. v. young, r.c. bald, robert cecil, sir robert ker, the oxford handbook of john donne, house of holes, nicholson baker, simon & schuster, the real life of sebastian knight, vladimir nabokov, sam sacks, alessandro barrico, silk, nora roberts, itchy anticipation, blue smoke, diana gabaldon, outlander, ian mcewan, atonement, harlequin romance, on chesil beach, hubert selby jr., stephen crane, requiem for a dream, the literary review, bad sex in fiction award, sex, the widows of eastwick, a book of raunch, penthouse forum, katie roiphe, meg wolitzer, david l. ulin, sam lipsyte, new york magazine, brazzers, the new york times, thundertube, manslurp, spunk stick, james lasdun, vox, a book of raunch, alessandro barrico, atonement, bad sex in fiction award, blue smoke, brazzers, david l. ulin, diana gabaldon, harlequin romance, hubert selby jr., ian mcewan, itchy anticipation, james lasdun, katie roiphe, manslurp, meg wolitzer, new york magazine, nicholson baker, nora roberts, on chesil beach, outlander, penthouse forum, requiem for a dream, sam lipsyte, sam sacks, sex, silk, simon & schuster, spunk stick, stephen crane, the literary review, the new york times, the real life of sebastian knight, the widows of eastwick, thundertube, vladimir nabokov, vox, it's a mystery, killed at the whim of a hat, colin cotterill, minotaur, catch 22, evan hunter, 87th precinct, ed mcbain, lady lady i did it, let's hear it for the deaf man, a trout in the milk, michael underwood, the head in the soup, peter chad tigar levi, oliver sacks, the man who mistook his wife for a hat, siri paiboun, vientiane, the coroner's lunch, the merry misogynist, love songs from a shallow grave, jimm juree, you can’t take it with you, moss hart, george s. kaufman, sangha, pra vinyathikum, granddad there's a head on the beach, 87th precinct, a trout in the milk, catch 22, colin cotterill, ed mcbain, evan hunter, george s. kaufman, granddad there's a head on the beach, jimm juree, killed at the whim of a hat, lady lady i did it, let's hear it for the deaf man, love songs from a shallow grave, michael underwood, minotaur, moss hart, oliver sacks, peter chad tigar levi, pra vinyathikum, sangha, siri paiboun, the coroner's lunch, the head in the soup, the man who mistook his wife for a hat, the merry misogynist, vientiane, you can’t take it with you, jessie redmon fauset, absent friends, joanna scutts, james weldon johnson, book of american negro poetry, w.e.b. du bois, the crisis, jean toomer, langston hughes, countee cullen, claude mckay, harlem renaissance, opportunity, there is confusion, emma, dance of the nations, racism, african-american struggle, world war one, cornell university, bryn mawr, university of pennsylvania, naacp, plum bun: a novel without a moral, vera manning, jay gatsby, the chinaberry tree, comedy american style, nella larsen, quicksand, passing, the great depression, the world tomorrow, pan-african congress, the brownie’s book, comedy: american style, herbert harris, northeastern library of black literature, rutgers university press, absent friends, african-american struggle, book of american negro poetry, bryn mawr, claude mckay, comedy american style, cornell university, countee cullen, dance of the nations, emma, harlem renaissance, herbert harris, james weldon johnson, jay gatsby, jean toomer, langston hughes, naacp, nella larsen, northeastern library of black literature, opportunity, pan-african congress, passing, plum bun: a novel without a moral, quicksand, racism, rutgers university press, the brownie’s book, the chinaberry tree, the crisis, the great depression, the world tomorrow, there is confusion, university of pennsylvania, vera manning, w.e.b. du bois, world war one, zombies, dasha baker, young adult fiction review, thirteen days to midnight, patrick carman, worldshaker, richard harland, little brown, rot & ruin, jonathan maberry, dasha baker, jonathan maberry, liberator, little brown, patrick carman, richard harland, rot & ruin, thirteen days to midnight, worldshaker, young adult fiction review, a year with the windsors, the queen mother, the official biography, william shawcross, house of windsor, the official biography, the queen mother, william shawcross, ann m. blair, too much to know, renaissance history, ann blair, erasmus, pre-modern history, too much to know, deon meyer, thirteen hours, murder mystery, africa, murder mystery, mystery, thirteen hours, byron in geneva, david ellis, byron, lord byron, byron, david ellis, lord byron, justin gustainis, sympathy for the devil, fantasy, morris and chastain, interview, interview, science fiction, sympathy for the devil, science fiction, fantasy, jon courtenay grimwood, the fallen blade, vampires, the fallen blade, vampires, venice, danielle steel, happy birthday, american fiction, american fiction, happy birthday, sons of encouragement, francine rivers, christian fiction, christian fiction, francine rivers, kim newman, anno dracula, vampire novels, grant morrison, supergods, comic books, superheroes, benjamin markovits, childish loves, don juan, romantic movement, colm tóibín, the master, imposture, a quiet adjustment, john polidori, the vampyre, mary shelley, frankenstein, bram stoker, dracula, annabella milbanke, emma woodhouse, edward trelawney, recollections of the last days of shelley and byron, peter sullivan, augusta leigh, harvard fellowship, newstead abbey, mary chaworth, lord grey, on this day i complete my thirty-sixth year, love and death, childe harold's pilgrimage, duke of wellington, lord castlereagh, napoleon, journal in cephalonia, lady blessington, conversations with lord byron, the aspern papers, a quiet adjustment, annabella milbanke, augusta leigh, bram stoker, childe harold's pilgrimage, childish loves, colm tóibín, conversations with lord byron, don juan, dracula, duke of wellington, edward trelawney, emma woodhouse, frankenstein, harvard fellowship, imposture, john polidori, journal in cephalonia, lady blessington, lord castlereagh, lord grey, love and death, mary chaworth, mary shelley, napoleon, newstead abbey, on this day i complete my thirty-sixth year, peter sullivan, recollections of the last days of shelley and byron, romantic movement, the aspern papers, the master, the vampyre, rosemary mitchell, w h ainsworth, william harrison ainsworth, dickens, w m thackeray, elizabeth gaskell, newgate prison, rookwood, jack sheppard, the tower of london, old saint paul's, george cruikshank, william delamotte, tony johannot, guildfoord dudley, simon renard, elizabeth, earl of devon, anne boleyn, herne the hunter, henry viii, windsor forest, wolf hall, hilary mantel, old st paul's, edward bulwer-lytton, the last days of pompeii, stephen carver, kafka, auriol, rosicrucians, crichton, sir james crichton, the new spirit of the age, richard hengist horne, cecil b. demille, dan brown, anne boleyn, auriol, cecil b. demille, crichton, dan brown, dickens, earl of devon, edward bulwer-lytton, elizabeth, elizabeth gaskell, george cruikshank, guildfoord dudley, henry viii, herne the hunter, hilary mantel, jack sheppard, kafka, newgate prison, old saint paul's, old st paul's, richard hengist horne, rookwood, rosemary mitchell, rosicrucians, simon renard, sir james crichton, stephen carver, the last days of pompeii, the new spirit of the age, the tower of london, tony johannot, w h ainsworth, w m thackeray, william delamotte, william harrison ainsworth, windsor forest, wolf hall, irmgard keun, gestapo, the artificial silk girl, after midnight, melville house, other press, kathie von ankum, anthea bell, nazism, child of all nations, suing the gestapo, wile e. coyote, charlie chaplin, thomas paine, hitler, nazi germany, gentlemen prefer blondes, marilyn monroe, women's lib, after midnight, anthea bell, charlie chaplin, child of all nations, gentlemen prefer blondes, gestapo, hitler, irmgard keun, kathie von ankum, marilyn monroe, melville house, nazi germany, nazism, other press, suing the gestapo, the artificial silk girl, thomas paine, wile e. coyote, women's lib, george vi, house of windsor, sir gerald kelly, prince albert, prince eddy, george v, edward viii, prince of wales, bertie, wallis simpson, john wheeler-bennett, duke of windsor, neville chamberlain, third reich, george iii, franklin roosevelt, adolph hitler, margaret rose, quisling, buckingham palace, spanish armada, battle of jutland, pearl harbor, u.s.s. augusta, harry truman, admiral leahy, clement attlee, pericles, hiroshima, nagasaki, lord mountbatten, battle of agincourt, marlborough house, duke of york, admiral leahy, adolph hitler, battle of agincourt, battle of jutland, bertie, buckingham palace, clement attlee, duke of windsor, duke of york, edward viii, franklin roosevelt, george iii, george v, george vi, harry truman, hiroshima, john wheeler-bennett, lord mountbatten, margaret rose, marlborough house, nagasaki, neville chamberlain, pearl harbor, pericles, prince albert, prince eddy, prince of wales, quisling, sir gerald kelly, spanish armada, third reich, u.s.s. augusta, wallis simpson, history review, biography review, louisa thomas conscience a test of will and faith in world war one, union theological seminary, princeton, woodrow wilson, theodore roosevelt, american union against militarism, the committee on public information, aids, influenza epidemic, norman thomas, aids, american union against militarism, biography review, history review, influenza epidemic, louisa thomas conscience a test of will and faith in world war one, norman thomas, princeton, the committee on public information, theodore roosevelt, union theological seminary, woodrow wilson, a.rawlings, a.rawlings, octopus books, where we think it should go, claire becker, jeff alessandrelli, claire becker, jeff alessandrelli, octopus books, where we think it should go, thomas j. daly, charles rappleye, robert morris, robert morris: financier of the american revolution, charles rappleye, robert morris, robert morris: financier of the american revolution, thomas j daly, norton, bloodmoney, david ignatius, the washington post, the wall street journal, agents of innocence, abottabad, osama bin laden, cia, sun tzu, art of war, brian garfield, hopscotch, walter matthau, herbert lom, abottabad, agents of innocence, art of war, bloodmoney, brian garfield, cia, david ignatius, herbert lom, hopscotch, norton, osama bin laden, sun tzu, the wall street journal, the washington post, walter matthau, new fiction, paranormal fiction, bianca d'arc, dead alert, bianca d'arc, dead alert, paranormal romance, romance, anne o'brien, queen defiant, eleanor of aquitaine, eleanor of aquitaine, queen defiant, kirsten seaver, the last vikings, vikings, european history, european history, the last vikings, vikings, andy lanning, oliver coipel, dan abnett, pascal alixe, legion of super-heroes, legion lost, comic books, dan abnett, legion lost, legion of super-heroes, olivier coipel, pascal alixe, garth greenwell, mitko, mitko, william martin, citizen washington, citizen washington, william martin, george washington, american revolution, george washington, shelby foote, the civil war: a narrative, civil war, civil war history, civil war, civil war history, the civil war: a narrative, m. j. pearson, helpless, seventh window publications, modern fiction, gay fiction, greg waldmann, john cotter, rohan maitzen, leonard woolf, vanessa bell, leonard woolf autobiography, virginia stephen, labour party, league of nations, bloomsbury, roger fry, e.m. forster, yeats, shaw, wells, t.s. eliot, clive ponting, world history: a new perspective, werner herzog, hegel, paul g. bahn, jean vertut, sanz de sautuola, emile cartailhac, chuang tsu, zhuangzi, byzantium: the early centuries, marius, sulla, crassus, pompey the great, julius caesar, caligula, nero, the annals, tacitus, i claudius, robert graves, claudius the god, spqr, gaius julius caeser, the king's gambit, kevin mckidd, ray stevenson, pauline gedge, the eagle and the raven, roman empire, waverley, fergus macivor, boudicca, the woman in white, wilkie collins, sensation fiction, victorian fiction, charles dickens, the moonstone, f. scott fitzgerald, malcolm cowley, matthew bruccoli, may day, winter dreams, bernice bobs her hair, the rich boy, babylon revisited, the diamond as big as the ritz, absolution, jeff eaton, jonathan strange & mr norrell, susanna clarke, napoleonic wars, a time of gifts, patrick leigh fermor, goodbye to berlin, ivo andrić, the bridge on the drina, nobel prize, the terror, dan simmons, arctic circle, edgar allan poe, the masque of the red death, janet potter, charles lindbergh, lindbergh, a. scott berg, peter the great, robert k. massie, a time of gifts, a. scott berg, absolution, arctic circle, babylon revisited, bernice bobs her hair, bloomsbury, boudicca, byzantium: the early centuries, caligula, charles dickens, charles lindbergh, chuang tsu, claudius the god, clive ponting, crassus, dan simmons, edgar allan poe, emile cartailhac, f scott fitzgerald, fergus macivor, gaius julius caeser, goodbye to berlin, greg waldmann, hegel, i claudius, ivo andrić, janet potter, jean vertut, jeff eaton, john cotter, jonathan strange & mr norrell, julius caesar, kevin mckidd, labour party, league of nations, leonard woolf, leonard woolf autobiography, lindbergh, malcolm cowley, marius, matthew bruccoli, may day, napoleonic wars, nero, nobel prize, patrick leigh fermor, paul g. bahn, pauline gedge, peter the great, pompey the great, ray stevenson, robert graves, robert k. massie, roger fry, rohan maitzen, roman empire, sanz de sautuola, sensation fiction, shaw, spqr, sulla, susanna clarke, tacitus, the annals, the bridge on the drina, the diamond as big as the ritz, the eagle and the raven, the king's gambit, the masque of the red death, the moonstone, the rich boy, the terror, the woman in white, vanessa bell, victorian fiction, virginia stephen, waverley, wells, werner herzog, wilkie collins, winter dreams, world history: a new perspective, yeats, zhuangzi, dirk bogarde, obituary, king's school, india, oxford book of english verse, cider with rosie, as i walked out one midsummer morning, laurie le, christopher isherwood, william dalrymple, bruce chatwin, artemis cooper, words of mercury, heinrich kreipe, ill met by moonlight, the traveller's tree, the violins of st. jacques, a time to keep silence, mani, roumeli, between the woods and the water, joana scutts, olm, a time to keep silence, artemis cooper, as i walked out one midsummer morning, between the woods and the water, bruce chatwin, christopher isherwood, cider with rosie, dirk bogarde, heinrich kreipe, ill met by moonlight, india, joana scutts, king's school, laurie le, mani, obituary, oxford book of english verse, roumeli, the traveller's tree, the violins of st. jacques, william dalrymple, words of mercury, charlotte brontë, jane eyre, adapting jane eyre, wuthering heights, agnes grey, wide sargasso sea, jacques tourneur, i walked with a zombie, alexander baron, timothy dalton, zelah clarke, little red riding hood, cinderella, bluebeard, robert stevenson, orson welles, rethinking the novel/film debate, kamilla elliott, samantha morton, ruth wilson, bertha mason, thornfield hall, st. john rivers, george c scott, franco zeffirelli, sarah mead-willis, negotiating with the dead: jane eyre in the postmodern, jean rhys, grace poole, cary fukanaga, michael fassbender, mia wasikowska, helen burns, rochester, screening the gothic, lisa hopkins, bewick, british birds, adapting jane eyre, agnes grey, alexander baron, bertha mason, bewick, bluebeard, british birds, cary fukanaga, charlotte bronte, cinderella, franco zeffirelli, george c scott, grace poole, helen burns, i walked with a zombie, jacques tourneur, jane eyre, jean rhys, kamilla elliott, lisa hopkins, little red riding hood, mia wasikowska, michael fassbender, negotiating with the dead: jane eyre in the postmodern, orson welles, rethinking the novel/film debate, robert stevenson, rochester, ruth wilson, samantha morton, sarah mead-willis, screening the gothic, st. john rivers, thornfield hall, timothy dalton, wide sargasso sea, wuthering heights, zelah clarke, vladimir sorokin, jamey gambrell, amelia glaser, nyrb classics, farrar strauss and giroux, russian literature, ice trilogy, day of the oprichnik, ivan the terrible, amelia glaser, day of the oprichnik, farrar strauss and giroux, ice trilogy, ivan the terrible, jamey gambrell, nyrb classics, russian literature, vladimir sorokin, not merely because of the unknown that was stalking toward them, jenny boully, karen hannah, the body, jenny boully, karen hannah, the body, andrea henchey, edward longshanks, edward iii, black death, hundred years war, edward iv, elizabeth woodeville, edward v, princes in the tower, edward albert christian george andrew patrick david, kaiser wilhelm ii, lloyd george, metropolitan opera, stanley baldwin, windsor great park, fort belvedere, wallis warfield simpson, frances donaldson, bertie the duke of york, charles bedaux, operation sea lion, wehrmacht, nazi sympathies, berchtesgaden, ricardo de espirto santo, miguel primo de rivera, bertie the duke of york, berchtesgaden, black death, charles bedaux, edward albert christian george andrew patrick david, edward iii, edward iv, edward longshanks, edward v, elizabeth woodeville, fort belvedere, frances donaldson, hundred years war, kaiser wilhelm ii, lloyd george, metropolitan opera, miguel primo de rivera, nazi sympathies, operation sea lion, princes in the tower, ricardo de espirto santo, stanley baldwin, wallis warfield simpson, wehrmacht, windsor great park, millennium people, j. g. ballard, w.w. norton, tate modern, bbc, kensington gardens, cocaine nights, super-cannes, burgundy, verdi, nabucco, kingdom come, crash, jean-luc godard, alphaville, william s. burroughs, elizabeth taylor, gesamtkunstwerk, tristan und isolde, empire of the sun, the kindness of women, treasure island, robert louis stevenson, joseph conrad, the secret agent, edward said, theodor adorno, weimar republic, alphaville, bbc, burgundy, cocaine nights, crash, edward said, elizabeth taylor, empire of the sun, gesamtkunstwerk, j. g. ballard, jean-luc godard, joseph conrad, kensington gardens, kingdom come, nabucco, robert louis stevenson, super-cannes, tate modern, the kindness of women, the secret agent, theodor adorno, treasure island, tristan und isolde, verdi, weimar republic, william s. burroughs, john verdon, shut your eyes tight, crown, robert ludlum, the scarlatti inheritance, frederick forsyth, the day of the jackal, charles de gaulle, jack higgins, the eagle has landed, ken follett, the eye of the needle, think of a number, father knows best, charles de gaulle, crown, father knows best, frederick forsyth, jack higgins, ken follett, robert ludlum, shut your eyes tight, the day of the jackal, the eagle has landed, the eye of the needle, the scarlatti inheritance, think of a number, perfume, elisa gabbert, materialism, elizabeth alezander, a jane austen education, william deresiewicz, manfield park, pride and prejudice, sense and sensibility, northranger abby, persuasion, james joyce, modernism, dostoevsky, george elliot, the clash, john lennon, elif batuman, the possessed, geoff dyer, out of sheer rage, d.h. lawrence, morten høi jensen, book reivew, a jane austen education, book reivew, d.h. lawrence, dostoevsky, elif batuman, geoff dyer, george elliot, james joyce, john lennon, manfield park, modernism, morten høi jensen, northranger abby, out of sheer rage, persuasion, pride and prejudice, sense and sensibility, the clash, the possessed, william deresiewicz, mark mercer, scott f. aikin, robert b. talisse, reasonable atheism: a moral case for respectful disbelief, reasonable atheism, prometheus books, sam harris, richard dawkins, new atheism, terry eagleton, reflections on the god debate, w.k. clifford, the ethics of belief, has religion made useful contributions to civilization?, can religion cure our troubles?, bertrand russell, bertrand russell, can religion cure our troubles?, has religion made useful contributions to civilization?, new atheism, prometheus books, reasonable atheism, reasonable atheism: a moral case for respectful disbelief, reflections on the god debate, richard dawkins, robert b. talisse, sam harris, scott f. aikin, terry eagleton, the ethics of belief, w.k. clifford, britain after rome, britain after rome: the fall and rise 400 to 1070, robing fleming, allen lane, roman britain, hadrian's wall, honorius, saxons, britons, norsemen, middlemarch, david cannadine, pengiun history of britain, david carpenter, the struggle for mastery, mark kishlansky, a monarchy transformed, norse sagas, gildas, gerald of wales, venerable bede, mercia, beowulf, rudyard kipling, roman centurion's song, a monarchy transformed, allen lane, beowulf, britain after rome: the fall and rise 400 to 1070, britons, david cannadine, david carpenter, gerald of wales, gildas, hadrian's wall, honorius, mark kishlansky, mercia, middlemarch, norse sagas, norsemen, pengiun history of britain, robing fleming, roman britain, roman centurion's song, rudyard kipling, saxons, the struggle for mastery, venerable bede, an american radical: political prisoner in my own country, an american radical, susan rosenberg, kathleen cleaver, citadel press, shaun randol, mumia abu-jamal, sundiata acoli, leonard peltier, óscar lópez rivera, black panthers, the black liberation army, puerto rican independence, the weathermen, american civil liberties union, amnesty international, through the wire, gramsci, primo levi, arendt, wiesel, tadeusz borowski, faulkner, henry miller, dante, i-ching, american civil liberties union, amnesty international, an american radical, and óscar lópez rivera, arendt, billie holiday, black panthers, citadel press, dante, faulkner, gramsci, henry miller, i-ching, kathleen cleaver, leonard peltier, mumia abu-jamal, primo levi, puerto rican independence, shaun randol, sundiata acoli, susan rosenberg, tadeusz borowski, the black liberation army, the weathermen, through the wire, wiesel

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17 October 2011, 1:07 pm

Book Review: Barn Owl

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October 2011 Issue
Like Fire
Sad Men, Dead Critics, and a Book Riot: Three New Blogs20 October 2011, 3:10 amI need more blogs to follow like… oh, like I need more books in the home stacks, I guess. And yet, like the aforementioned books, that doesn’t seem to stop me. So I offer, herewith, three new blogs that I’ve been enjoying lately: Book Riot is the brainchild of Jeff O’Neal, proprietor of the thoughtful [...]...
Fourth Time’s the Charm: Julian Barnes Wins the Man Booker Prize19 October 2011, 3:06 amJulian Barnes has won the 2011 Man Booker Prize for his novel The Sense of an Ending, taking home the purse and, we hope, at least a small degree of satisfaction. This was his fourth time on the shortlist, and it’s anyone’s guess whether the sense of awful anticipation he described 24 years ago in [...]...
Happy Birthday, E.E. Cummings (II)14 October 2011, 11:45 pmxx. E.E. Cummings you asked me to come:it was raining a little, and the spring;a clumsy brightness of air wonderfully stumbled above the square, little amorous-tadpole people wiggled battered by stuttering pearl, leaves jiggled to the jigging fragrance of newness —and then. My crazy fingers liked your dress ….your kiss,your kiss was a distinct brittle [...]...
Novel Readings
Musical Interlude: Young Artists in Concert20 October 2011, 1:57 amI’ve posted a couple of times before about my son’s compositions. Last week he and two other talented young musicians performed in a concert that included a number of his original pieces (a Sonatina for piano and violin, two solo piano pieces, and a setting for voice and piano of Poe’s “Romance”) along with pieces [...]...
Helen DeWitt, The Last Samurai16 October 2011, 11:51 pmThe Last Samurai is the story of a single mother, Sybilla, and her son, whom she calls “Ludo”–though on his birth certificate it says either ‘David’ or ‘Stephen,’ ‘one or the other.’ It makes sense that Sybilla would consider it pointless to be certain, because one of the things this novel is about is precisely [...]...
This Week in My Classes: WMT, AC, and EBB13 October 2011, 12:59 pmIt’s a short week, because of the Thanksgiving holiday on Monday. I think I saw the effects of the long weekend–not good ones–in my 19th-century novels class, where the limp response to questions about Vanity Fair (except from a couple of stalwart contributors) suggested people hadn’t exactly spent it keeping up with the reading. It [...]...
Grossly False Advertising in the Penny Press!20 October 2011, 1:51 pmObviously, Dogfancy magazine thought it might be a hoot to go all counter-intuitive for their November issue’s cover story about basset hounds. So the actual article by Cherie Langlois invokes the stereotypical image of bassets as lazy, sedentary couch dwellers – only to dispel it! Turns out, say top basset hound breeders, these dogs love [...]...
Eight for the Birds!17 October 2011, 1:09 pmEight great books on birds!...
Under the Covers with Paul Marron: Handling Scandal!17 October 2011, 1:07 pmOur compact, charismatic hero continues to master the strokes of his game - and scandal erupts!...
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Letter from Boston: Toward a New History
Douglass Shand-Tucci
Time Wounds All Heels
Joanna Scutts
Down and Out in Luanda and Lisbon
Joshua Lustig
A Crucible of the Human Spirit Guy
Laura Kolbe
On the Scent: A Certain Vintage
Elisa Gabbert
El Jaleo">One Encounter: El Jaleo
John Cotter
Disembodied Embodiment
Anna Elena Eyre
Anna Lena Phillips
Chairman of the Board
Steve Donoghue
The Birth of a Salesman
Morten Høi Jensen
Rime Redux
Sara Henkin
Pseudo-Binaristic Wiki-Okatu
Phillip A. Lobo
“Signs of the Real”
Becca Klaver
It’s A Mystery: “He had never tried to hide from himself his taste for the hazard of sin.”
Irma Heldman
Book Review: Barn Owl
Steve Donoghue
My Revolutions by Hari Kunzru
Out in the Open, a poem by Tomas Transtromer
Solitude, a poem by Tomas Transtromer
The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan
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