last data update: 2011/10/20, 07:40

Website loading time

during the test: 0.81 s

cable connection (average): 1.07 s

DSL connection (average): 1.32 s

modem (average): 14.85 s

HTTP headers

Information about DNS servers

kpao.orgSOAdns0.easydns.comzone.easydns.com128096416621600 7200 1209600 43200 IN 43200

Received from the first DNS server

Request to the server ""
Truncated, retrying in TCP mode.
Request to the server ""
You used the following DNS server:
DNS Name:
DNS Server Address:
DNS server aliases:

HEADER opcode: REQUEST, status: NOERROR, id: 26910
flag: qr aa rd REQUEST: 1, ANSWER: 4, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 3


ANSWER SECTION: 43200 IN SOA 1280964166 21600 7200 1209600 43200 43200 IN NS 43200 IN NS 43200 IN A

SECTION NOTES: 300 IN A 300 IN AAAA 2001:1838:f001::10 10800 IN A

Received 208 bytes from address in 41 ms

Received from the second DNS server

Request to the server ""
You used the following DNS server:
DNS Name:
DNS Server Address:
DNS server aliases:

HEADER opcode: REQUEST, status: NOERROR, id: 27883
flag: qr aa rd REQUEST: 1, ANSWER: 4, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 3


ANSWER SECTION: 43200 IN SOA 1280964166 21600 7200 1209600 43200 43200 IN A 43200 IN NS 43200 IN NS

SECTION NOTES: 300 IN A 300 IN AAAA 2001:1838:f001::10 10800 IN A

Received 208 bytes from address in 15 ms

Subdomains (the first 50)

Typos (misspells)



continent: NA, country: United States (USA), city: Absecon

Website value

rank in the traffic statistics:

There is not enough data to estimate website value.

Basic information

website build using CSS

code weight: 98.29 KB

text per all code ratio: 61 %

title: KPAO

description: Philosophical musings from a geek-tech viewpoint in the heart of Silicon Valley by Dave Cortright and David Creemer.


encoding: utf-8

language: en

Website code analysis

one word phrases repeated minimum three times

two word phrases repeated minimum three times

three word phrases repeated minimum three times

B tags

According to Google Maps, it is 2.1 miles between the current Bullis Charter School site and the Gardner Bullis site (which the charter school has coveted since 2003). Given the school year is about 180 days long and they have 466 students, that adds up to about 176,000 extra miles driven in their luxury SUVs each year by Bullis parents

Even worse, they are slumming it in a neighborhood whose average property value is well south of $1 million. And it's but a short walk to where the people who clean their houses and tend their gardens hang out looking for work. I guess it's good to show the kids how the lower middle class lives. Just keep the doors locked as you drive through!Reading over their filings and re-filings on the fight over Prop 39 "reasonably equivalent facilities" is amusing. If Albert Einstein was right in that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, then the Bullis admins are certifiably insane. I know, when you get everything you want in life, it's hard to accept when the world seems to turn upside-down and—gasp!—you don't get what you want. I'm sure these feelings are all new and confusing for you. But I have faith that you will move past the denial, anger, bargaining, and finally get to depression. Oh right, and then of course acceptance. Sure, if you want. But depression for sure.So here's the strange thing—BCS got what they wanted 4 years ago: a public school in Los Altos Hills. If they acted rationally, dropped the charter, and re-enrolled their kids in LASD, they could walk/bike their kids to school. They could save all the time and money spent driving up and down San Antonio Road. They wouldn't have to pay the additional $5000 in yearly tuition per student (oh, I'm sorry, "suggested donation"), and they wouldn't have to deal with all this charter paperwork.Note to BCS: you won. You got what you wanted. Gardner Bullis is a public school in Los Altos Hills. Why are you still fighting as if you lost? Ah well, there's no accounting for irrational spite I suppose. Enjoy your daily drive to your reasonably equivalent trailer park in the slums of Los Altos!

What's the problem

What's your solution

Do not allow a county board of education to approve on appeal a district charter. Instead, if the county wishes to approve a charter school, the charter must be rewritten such that it is formed as a county charter with all money and resources for the school coming directly from the county. This would take the local school district entirely out of the equation.Background

Bullis charter school is taking advantage of this charter school loophole whereby the county approved their charter 3 times over the past 8 years on appeal, thus forcing the Los Altos School District to fund the charter and provide classroom space to the, despite having no oversight over their operations.Are you aware of similar legislation

None that I know of.Please describe any financial impacts (i.e., costs, savings, or revenue) you anticipate may be associated with your proposal.The Los Alto School District has spent $600,000 alone defending itself against frivolous lawsuits filed by Bullis charter. This legislation would have prevented that money from being spent, and thus it could have directly benefited the education of our children in LASD. I'm sure there are plenty of other cost savings that LASD would realize. But more importantly are the intangible benefits of not having to deal with the distraction and stress that comes from the unrelenting divisiveness caused by the Santa Clara County Board of Education forces the Los Altos School District to spend it's own time and resources on a charter it doesn't believe in, distracting it from the ultimate goal of educating our children.Who do you think would support

I think anyone with a rational thought process will realize that this is a necessary fix to close a loophole that shouldn't have been left open in the first place. It's OK for for a county to sponsor a charter school. It's not OK for a county to force a school district to sponsor a charter.Who do you think would oppose





When BCS board declined the extension Wed night, you could have denied their petition renewal. In 2003, 2007, and 2011, you could have denied the petition and told BCS to come back with one that would make them a county charter. 3 times over the past decade you declined to do so.By failing to exercise your power to deny their charter, you ceded the power in the relationship to them.


The $600,000 in legal fees spent fighting BCS' numerous and unrelenting lawsuits were effectively stolen from LASD. It is true that for a student from within the LASD boundary who instead attends BCS, the money from the state should (and legally must) transfer to BCS. But there is no legal obligation for parcel tax money to go to BCS. (Personally, I consider the parcel tax LASD's legal fund against their "white whine" lawsuits.) As we've been saying for years, BCS is effectively a quite exclusive private school for the residents of Los Altos Hills, with a legal minimum of other students for the appearance of "diversity". Why would LASD give any money with a competing private school of kids who have said that the LASD schools are not good enough for them, thus depriving LASD kids of that money?But this begs the question that the SCCBOE has so far failed to answer: if you believe so strongly in BCS and want to see it succeed, why don't you back up your words with money and resources of your own?

Regardless of if you choose to fund BCS, I ask you—nay beg

please, stop making decisions and then forcing other people (the LASD community) to pay for your decisions.



I am disappointed by your vote on Oct 5, 2011 to renew the Bullis charter school (BCS) petition. By doing so, you have willfully given up the leverage you had to ensure the numerous and significant deficiencies in Bullis' operation are rectified. But even worse, you perpetuate your role as enablers in the dysfunctional relationship between BCS and everyone else in the LASD community.The Los Altos School District (LASD) previously rejected the BCS petition, yet you chose to approve on appeal. That is certainly your legal right. However, rather than take full responsibility for the charter giving them the resources they need to succeed, you push that responsibility back onto the LASD community. You are holding a metaphorical gun to our heads while allowing Bullis to rifle through our assets taking money and resources from our kids, our teachers, our schools. And what they cannot get but feel entitled to, they attempt to take through legal force, sapping further money, time and resources that should otherwise go to educating our children.So what do we get in return for this? Another competing school that does marginally better academically than LASD, but notably worse in diversity, openness, and a retribution-free, tuition-free public education. Worse is what is has contributed to the community: divisiveness, the us vs them mentality, the "if at first you don't succeed, sue, sue again" mentality. And all for what? Spite because a neighborhood school necessarily closed down for 5 years due to low enrollment and then need to renovate? When can we put that behind us? When can we all move on? Gardner Bullis has been open for 4 years now and we all would happily welcome the Bullis children back.But what I am most disappointed by is the message you are sending with your actions. There was a lot of talk on Wednesday evening about the perceptions sent by BCS' actions. I implore you to consider the perceptions sent by SCCBOE's actions. By approving BCS, but not approving it as a county charter, you are telling the world that you really don't believe that strongly in BCS. When you say, "Yes, but fund it with someone else's money, not mine", you are not really taking responsibility for your decision. As Milton Friedman wisely noted, "I can spend somebody else’s money on somebody else. And if I spend somebody else’s money on somebody else, I’m not concerned about how much it is, and I’m not concerned about what I get." That is exactly the situation with SCCBOE spending LASD's money on the Bullis charter.So my request is simple: make the Bullis charter a county charter.

U tags

I tags

Are Human's Carnivores?

The original text is hard-coded into an image file, so I transcribed it to make it searchable and copyable.

(A note of clarification: when I say "reasonably equivalent trailer park in the slums of Los Altos", I am taking literary license for effect. In no way am I implying that the LASD is purposefully giving Bullis charter school inferior facilities at the furthest reaches of the district just because BCS are a bunch of arrogant, entitled assholes.)

What's the problem that needs a legislative solution?

What's your solution? Please include proposed language, if any. Be as detailed as possible.

Background information. (Please include any studies, reports, newspaper articles, personal experience, or anecdotal evidence relating to your proposal.)

Are you aware of similar legislation previously introduced in California or in other states? If so, please include the author, bill number, and outcome of the legislation.

Please describe any financial impacts (i.e., costs, savings, or revenue) you anticipate may be associated with your proposal.

Who do you think would support the bill? Consider legislators, the governor and his administration, state and local government agencies, and interest groups.

Who do you think would oppose the bill? Consider legislators, the governor and his administration, state and local government agencies, and interest groups.

Siince you approved their charter, is there ethical obligation to share a part of your operating funds with BCS? I don’t understand why SCCBOE can’t mete out some percentage of their operating funds to BCS.

Mimi & Eunice's Intellectual Pooperty.

I am simply in unbelieving awe that this is even an issue that needs discussion. Who can really justify the logic that would allow a species in one setting endangered status, while taking members of that same species and forcing them to exist in another environment to not be endangered. They are still the same species, regardless of where they are physically located.

A chimp is a chimp is a chimp. And the entirety of the chimpanzee species is endangered. Thus, all members of that species must necessarily be considered endangered. The fact that animal testing corporations, drug companies, research scientists and other extremely partial groups would prefer that this logic didn't exist doesn't make it so. And the fact that they are donating large sums of money and hiring lobbyists to make all sorts of convoluted claims also doesn't make it so.

It's simple. A chimp in a lab is simply the same chimp that a few day before was in the wild before being caught and forced into the chimp equivalent of Auschwitz. If he was endangered in the former location, so must he too be endangered in the latter. QED.

Comment Tracking Number: 80f4f6e7

[Note: The original petition in 2003 was submitted to LASD first and then approved on appeal byt the SCCBOE. But subsequent petitions were submitted directly to the SCCBOE.]

“Bullis is shaping our next generation of leaders and change agents, youngsters who will make a difference in the world. Bullis is creating inspired, inquisitive problem solvers with a social consciousness to give back to the world”

“I was greatly saddened by the Board's repeated implication of an 'us versus them' mentality with respect to social economic status. One could take that further and interpret some of the comments to imply that our children are not worth spending more time and energy on because their parents are not struggling to put food on the table and pay rent.”

“How can you let those rich people who can afford to send their kids to private schools take away public funding?”

"us versus them mentality,”

“Should charter schools exist? Do they help public education? How can you justify a two-tier system? etc. etc.”

“Twenty years from now, would you look back and say charter schools helped or hurt public education?”

“So what? What’s next?”

“We who have more should have more responsibility to the rest of the world”

“to whom much is given, much is expected”

“While we hope to be able to share lessons across our communities, the actions that work for one community might not work in another community because we are all struggling with different issues. I would love if we could take "the lessons" from a more economically distressed district and apply them to Bullis and vice versa, but I could see the reality that many of those lessons wouldn't translate.”

Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking


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 Philosophical musings from a geek-tech viewpoint in the heart of Silicon Valley

"Are Human's Carnivores?" by Dan Piraro (Bizarro cartoonist and vegan)

My response to Joseph Di Salvo's email RE: Bullis Charter School

Once again, Amazon nails it with fantastic customer service

Bullis charter school schadenfreude

State Senator Joe Simitian: Fix California Charter School Law

My response to Grace Mah's letter RE: Bullis Charter School

My letter to my congressional representatives regarding copyright

My comment on "Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants: 90-Day Finding on Petition to List All Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) as Endangered (Document ID FWS-R9-ES-2010-0086-0001)"

Smear by WanderLust

Grace Mah's response to my letter RE: Bullis Charter School

Santa Clara County Board of Education, Back up your Bullis charter vote with your own county resources

Bullis charter school is in breach of California Educational Code 47605(b)(5)(G)

Letter regarding the Bullis charter to the Santa Clara County Board of Education

Anna Song and Buffy Poon emails re: Bullis Charter School

Vegan smothered caramelized onion sauce


 Philosophical musings from a geek-tech viewpoint in the heart of Silicon Valley

"Are Human's Carnivores?" by Dan Piraro (Bizarro cartoonist and vegan)

My response to Joseph Di Salvo's email RE: Bullis Charter School

Once again, Amazon nails it with fantastic customer service

Bullis charter school schadenfreude

State Senator Joe Simitian: Fix California Charter School Law

My response to Grace Mah's letter RE: Bullis Charter School

My letter to my congressional representatives regarding copyright

My comment on "Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants: 90-Day Finding on Petition to List All Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) as Endangered (Document ID FWS-R9-ES-2010-0086-0001)"

Smear by WanderLust

Grace Mah's response to my letter RE: Bullis Charter School

Santa Clara County Board of Education, Back up your Bullis charter vote with your own county resources

Bullis charter school is in breach of California Educational Code 47605(b)(5)(G)

Letter regarding the Bullis charter to the Santa Clara County Board of Education

Anna Song and Buffy Poon emails re: Bullis Charter School

Vegan smothered caramelized onion sauce




internal links

addressanchor text
"Are Human's Carnivores?" by Dan Piraro (Bizarro cartoonist and vegan)
Comments (0)
My response to Joseph Di Salvo's email RE: Bullis Charter School
Comments (0)
Once again, Amazon nails it with fantastic customer service
Comments (0)
Bullis charter school schadenfreude
Comments (0)
State Senator Joe Simitian: Fix California Charter School Law
Comments (0)
My response to Grace Mah's letter RE: Bullis Charter School
Comments (0)
My letter to my congressional representatives regarding copyright
Comments (0)
My comment on "Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants: 90-Day Finding on Petition to List All Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) as Endangered (Document ID FWS-R9-ES-2010-0086-0001)"
Comments (0)
Smear by WanderLust
Comments (0)
Grace Mah's response to my letter RE: Bullis Charter School
Comments (0)
Santa Clara County Board of Education, Back up your Bullis charter vote with your own county resources
Comments (0)
Bullis charter school is in breach of California Educational Code 47605(b)(5)(G)
Comments (1)
Letter regarding the Bullis charter to the Santa Clara County Board of Education
Comments (0)
her open letter
Anna Song and Buffy Poon emails re: Bullis Charter School
Comments (0)
Vegan smothered caramelized onion sauce
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Dave Cortright
Are Human's Carnivores? by Dan Piraro (Bizarro cartoonist and vegan)
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Gentle Leader head collar
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Gardner Bullis site
all school-sponsored international field trips
their filings and re-filings
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There Oughta Be a Law web page
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white whine
one of the most powerful scenes
Dave Cortright
Mimi & Eunice's Intellectual Pooperty
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Dave Cortright
Milton Friedman wisely noted
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