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Early this year, celebrated TVB singer-actor Raymond Lam (林峯) was exposed to have fallen in love with Mainland female starlet Mavis Pan Shuang Shuang (潘霜霜). However, after a period of intense love, Mavis Pan had repeatedly publicly divulged their secret dating history to the outside world. Since Raymond has always been portrayed to be a swinging single and dreamboat to many of his fans, this revelation naturally left the clandestine romance to be doomed, leaving Raymond with hardly any choice but to heartlessly cut off all the romance ties with Mavis Pan.Heartbroken and crestfallen, Raymond tried to numb his pain by fully immersing himself into the endless pile of work, in hopes of recuperating emotionally and seeking consolation in his career life after tragically drowning in the sea of love.However, despite that harrowing romance being a thing of the past, it was rather apparent that Raymond had been terribly scarred for life as he revealed that he still felt heart-wrenched upon thinking about it from time to time…This interview marks the first of five interviews revealing the inner world of Raymond Lam.Raymond brooded, “To me, love is actually a very private and personal matter. This belief was further instilled in me after I became an artiste, such that I would do anything to protect my other half. However, as much as I want to, I absolutely understand that reality is always different from one’s rationalization. In that case, I shall just try my best then! Actually, everyone should have already known about the details of my love life so I shall not deliberately dwell upon it here. In fact, I can tell you that I have been portrayed dating in the tabloid fodders much more times than I have actually dated in real life.”Buried himself in work to forget the romance but ended up physically and emotionally exhausted

Raymond continued, “Actually, what exactly is love? When I was much younger, I would think of love as being very simple. Dating meant that we would roam the streets, eat meals and catch a movie together. In fact, I thought of it as being something like a set meal. However, after growing up and undergoing some experiences, I realized that love isn’t that superficial after all. Honestly, if you asked me whether my previous relationship was most painful, I would reply you that yes, yes it was one of the most painful experiences that I ever had. In fact, the impact was so excruciating that I haven’t been able to completely put down this emotional baggage as yet. It is, however, perfectly normal to feel this way as it is only human to feel upset reminiscing about some scenes or a person after the end of every relationship hence I shall just take it as an experience in life! I still remembered that I was filming TVB ancient periodic drama, Back To The Three Kingdoms《回到三國》, at that time and in order to forget the unhappy matters, I even tried to use work to numb myself. Although I kept telling myself not to think too much, it was really hard not to, especially with the relentless pursuing from the media on a daily basis. To be honest, I was absolutely physically and emotionally worn out. In any case, I have already said my piece on this matter in the previous interviews. With that being said, I would love to take this opportunity to thank the media for treating me well and leaving me some leeway at that point in time. Apart from that, I must say that the media does understand me very well on a certain level and had projected it in their reports such that everyone could view this matter logically by putting themselves in my shoes. For this, I truly am very thankful to you guys (the media)!”Raymond Lam professed that he would tread more cautiously the next time he ventures into loveFeels that he should follow fate but accepts blind-dating

Raymond wondered aloud, “Actually, who doesn’t have an experience in love? My failure this time ’round doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t dare to venture into sea of love again. However, I would tread even more cautiously for now as the society in today’s modern times are extremely complicated such that the thoughts of many people are now distorted. It even comes to a point where their views on matters have become very perplexing. Although not everyone is like that, I would still tend to have my misgivings. This is also the reason why I don’t have many friends. Have I ever thought about getting married? Well, I don’t even have a prospective dating partner yet! I do, however, admit that I’m a contradictory person. When my niece/nephew was born, I felt that my sister had already helped us to fulfill the child-bearing obligations to our ancestors. However, on second thought, I am after all the eldest son in my family [re: An ancient Chinese belief that the eldest son has a responsibility to produce a heir or rather a son to carry on the bloodline of the family] and after witnessing such a scene, I found myself subconsciously imagining what would happen if I had a child of my own in the future. Actually, given my current age, it’s about time that I should set up a family of my own as I wouldn’t be as robust in taking care of my kids when I’m much older. Sometimes, I do think that I might even look handsome hugging my kids out on the streets! But of course I do know that this won’t be an easy task as it is very difficult to meet someone who is truly right for you.”“Furthermore, it’s really complex to see the true nature of a person such that you can’t fathom what the person truly sees in you, what she actually likes about you. I must clarify that these are not afterthoughts left behind from being badly hurt in love but I just felt that I wasn’t mature enough to handle the matter at that point in time. In the past, there was no such thing as a dating life for me. As such, my family often thought about arranging for me to go on blind dates but, in actual fact, I secretly opposed the idea as I felt that blind dates were way too old-fashioned and kept thinking in my heart, “What kind of era are we currently living in?”. In the end, I did not attend any of the blind dates arranged. Despite my obvious signs of reluctance, my mother has recently resumed her former self of anxiously finding me another prospective girlfriend again by distributing a “gathering of heroes” invitation to all her distant relatives and friends, such that it’s akin to announcing that I’m ready for another relationship. However, this is really not the current case for me as I have become less of a forward-looking individual and more of a person who believes in following fate. But, honestly, isn’t life supposed to be like that? Having our upsides and downsides are only part and parcel of life. In fact, who doesn’t want to be loved and fondled in this world? After all, I’m always the one cajoling others when I step into character during filming hence it’s only natural to inevitably hope that someone else would please me after a long day of filming! But it’s okay, I’m not completely disheartened as I firmly believe that that day will eventually come.”Analyzing each and every one of his rumored girlfriends; Raymond Lam feels that Linda Chung looks most compatible onscreen with him and thus hopes to continue their previous affinity

Raymond’s rumored girlfriends are simply too many to count by our bare fingers but it seemed like all of them were his ex co-stars from the previous dramas that he had starred in. The list includes frequent onscreen partner Tavia Yeung (楊怡) who had been paired up with him as early as in the year 2002 for TVB classic drama, Golden Faith《流金岁月》, as well as in the year 2010 for Mysteries of Love《谈情说案》and in the recently-concluded series, Men With No Shadows《不速之約》, TVB Fadan actress Linda Chung (鍾嘉欣) who had collaborated with him for Heart of Greed 《溏心風暴》and Moonlight Resonance《溏心風暴之家好月圓》, former TVB renowned artiste Charmaine Sheh (佘詩曼) who had been partnered up with him for TVB-China commemorative production, Drive of Life《歲月風雲》, and The Colorful World of Sister Fa《花花世界花家姐》, promising young movie starlet Rose Chan (陳嘉桓) who guest-starred in two of his MVs (Music Videos) and etc. However, according to Raymond, none of them instilled a romantic spark in him and neither did he exchange any electrifying glances with them in real life. Trying to put his point across, Raymond analyzes the list of his rumored girlfriends one by one…Linda ChungPossibility of dating Raymond Lam: ★★★★★

Charmaine ShehPossibility of dating Raymond Lam: ★★★

Rose ChanPossibility of dating Raymond Lam: ★

Tavia YeungPossibility of dating Raymond Lam: ★★

Raymond Lam revealed that he was on very familiar terms with Tavia Yeung as he has known her for more than a decade now, ever since their course-mates days back in the 13th TVB Artiste Training Course in 1998. Adding onto that familiarity, Raymond had also collaborated several times with Tavia for the filming of dramas. As such, Raymond professed in a joking manner that he had already gotten “tired” of facing Tavia all day long. Jokes aside, Raymond hugely praised Tavia for staying true to herself and not changing her personality for many years now. Raymond explained, “In my eyes, Tavia has always been a tomboy as she usually has these huge gestures such that she will move about freely everyday, in a non-stop manner. Apart from that, Tavia also loves to talk hence I hardly utter a word when she’s around as she is already enough noisy! However, I do work well with her when we film scenes together.”Since Raymond was too overfamiliar with Tavia to be more than just friends, then what about Linda Chung whom he was heavily rumored with, due to their convincing couple image in “Moonlight Resonance”?

In reply to this, Raymond remarked that both of their external appearances made them look extremely compatible, such that the audiences were receptive to it, thus fueling the rumors to last for so long, even up till today! Raymond also laughed and admitted that given a chance, he would also love to continue his onscreen affinity with Linda Chung. As for TV Queen Charmaine Sheh, Raymond hugely praised her for being a good and experienced actress who often brought him into the scene when they were filming “Drive of Life” and “The Colorful World of Sister Fa” together. Raymond also added that he had observed Charmaine to be a senior with a strong resolution. Asked about being rumored together with Rose Chan, Raymond sighed that he was also helpless when their only collaboration had been for his MVs.Mavis Pan’s fame escalated through the roof after the leakage of the fully clothed bed photos with Raymond Lam; Oddly enough, Mavis Pan kept her sexy image at bay by covering up after gaining notoriety

Ever since her fully clothed bed photos with Raymond Lam had been “accidentally” leaked, little known Mainland starlet Mavis Pan, who has the moniker of “Little Shu Qi” for her plump and luscious lips, became the highest search entry amongst the search engines. Upon searching or rather googling her name, one would easily chance upon sexy photos of her showcasing her stunning womanly curves. This thus made her a target of the paparazzi and stirred up an interest in the movie industry, catching the keen eye of movie producers as a potential movie actress. However, Mavis Pan soon became nonchalant about the notorious fame and did not accept all the job opportunities offered to her, even pulling out of the plans to release her autobiography (which she was invited to shoot after the bed photos scandal). Not taking into account the Wong Jing (王晶) movie, Treasure Inn《財神客棧》, which she filmed before she became this famous, Mavis Pan had only accepted one movie deal to date, which was none other than the Mainland action movie, Admiral《五星上將》. It was known that Mavis had apparently turned down filming movies which required her to be scantily clad, preferring to be known as a action gongfu movie star rather than revealing any skin.Other than that, Mavis had uploaded a close-up photo of herself onto popular Chinese microblogging social site, Weibo, in recent days. In the photo, her brows were furrowed close together and she looked deep in thought, looking as if she was heavily troubled by some perplexing matters. In the accompanying Weibo tweet that Mavis uploaded along with the photo, she wrote, “I feel very lost and confused out of a sudden, like I don’t know him/her anymore.” Without even having a clue on what or whom she was implying to, hordes of fans left messages of concern for her once her Weibo tweet was sent out. Apart from that, the fans also complimented her for increasingly resembling famed Hong Kong model-actress, Angelababy (杨颖), in recent days.Will Raymond Lam be moving his home to snip his rapid love luck or rather peach blossom in the bud?


In recent years, ATV has often been faced with precarious financial situations. In August 2011, ATV announced a series of big moves through the release of several programs which were produced in-house. Now, a new turbulence erupted, as ATV filed for bankruptcy yesterday afternoon. ATV’s majority shareholder, Tsai Eng Ming’s subsidiary, Norwares Overseas Inc. applied for ATV’s bankruptcy at the Hong Kong High Court.In 2008, Taiwanese billionaire, Tsai Eng Ming, Chairman of Want Want Group, injected cash assistance into ATV to become its majority shareholder. Despite this, ATV was rumored to be on the brink of bankruptcy once again in 2010. ATV’s two majority shareholders, Tsai Eng Ming and Payson Cha, had an open war of words last year over the company’s equity issues.How will the filing of bankruptcy impact ATV? A representative from ATV responded, “Mr. Tsai’s company’s $150 million HKD in convertible bonds and interest were returned last year, while Mr. Tsai applied for a court injunction prohibiting the release of $23 million in convertible bonds of the company. Now, Mr. Tsai used these grounds to withdraw his stake from ATV. For the sake of the overall situation, ATV agreed to let Mr. Tsai redeem this portion of the funds.” According to the interpretation of a legal professional over the matter, under Hong Kong law, shareholders can apply for bankruptcy on the grounds of insolvent funds, regardless of how many shares were held.Repeated Financial Difficulties

A reader revealed that ATV did not pay outstanding lease amounts on the automobiles used by the ATV news department. If ATV did not pay the vehicle lease amounts by the deadline this weekend, the automobiles will be towed away. ATV’s Public Relations department did not respond on the matter. On September 29th, ATV released an internal circular which stated that due to the local typhoon, the issuance of employees’ monthly paychecks will be postponed from September 30th to October 3rd. An ATV Public Relations spokesman explained that the remittance came from the mainland, thus the issuance of employee paychecks were delayed due to the typhoon occurrence.In addition, there were rumors that more than a dozen ATV production staff were poached [by another television station]. Yip Ka Boa stated, “In the past, there were also employee departures, however, no one paid attention to the matter. ATV will not take the situation lightly, but will instead strengthen talents in the scriptwriting department. As to whether salaries will be increased in order to retain employees, this will be dependent upon the circumstances. We do not wish to increase salaries simply due to the departure of staff. The company already made annual pay adjustments in the middle of the year.” Asked whether ATV will follow TVB’s issuance of letters to employees warning of the poaching crisis, Yip Ka Bao noted that each company had its own practices. Since the licenses for the three free television broadcasting stations have not been issued yet, ATV will not heed other television stations’ practices.Amidst Increased Competition, A Bleak Future Ahead for ATV

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Early this year, celebrated TVB singer-actor Raymond Lam (林峯) was exposed to have fallen in love with Mainland female starlet Mavis Pan Shuang Shuang (潘霜霜). However, after a period of intense love, Mavis Pan had repeatedly publicly divulged their secret dating history to the outside world. Since Raymond has always been portrayed to be a swinging single and dreamboat to many of his fans, this revelation naturally left the clandestine romance to be doomed, leaving Raymond with hardly any choice but to heartlessly cut off all the romance ties with Mavis Pan.Heartbroken and crestfallen, Raymond tried to numb his pain by fully immersing himself into the endless pile of work, in hopes of recuperating emotionally and seeking consolation in his career life after tragically drowning in the sea of love.However, despite that harrowing romance being a thing of the past, it was rather apparent that Raymond had been terribly scarred for life as he revealed that he still felt heart-wrenched upon thinking about it from time to time…This interview marks the first of five interviews revealing the inner world of Raymond Lam.Raymond brooded, “To me, love is actually a very private and personal matter. This belief was further instilled in me after I became an artiste, such that I would do anything to protect my other half. However, as much as I want to, I absolutely understand that reality is always different from one’s rationalization. In that case, I shall just try my best then! Actually, everyone should have already known about the details of my love life so I shall not deliberately dwell upon it here. In fact, I can tell you that I have been portrayed dating in the tabloid fodders much more times than I have actually dated in real life.”Buried himself in work to forget the romance but ended up physically and emotionally exhaustedRaymond continued, “Actually, what exactly is love? When I was much younger, I would think of love as being very simple. Dating meant that we would roam the streets, eat meals and catch a movie together. In fact, I thought of it as being something like a set meal. However, after growing up and undergoing some experiences, I realized that love isn’t that superficial after all. Honestly, if you asked me whether my previous relationship was most painful, I would reply you that yes, yes it was one of the most painful experiences that I ever had. In fact, the impact was so excruciating that I haven’t been able to completely put down this emotional baggage as yet. It is, however, perfectly normal to feel this way as it is only human to feel upset reminiscing about some scenes or a person after the end of every relationship hence I shall just take it as an experience in life! I still remembered that I was filming TVB ancient periodic drama, Back To The Three Kingdoms《回到三國》, at that time and in order to forget the unhappy matters, I even tried to use work to numb myself. Although I kept telling myself not to think too much, it was really hard not to, especially with the relentless pursuing from the media on a daily basis. To be honest, I was absolutely physically and emotionally worn out. In any case, I have already said my piece on this matter in the previous interviews. With that being said, I would love to take this opportunity to thank the media for treating me well and leaving me some leeway at that point in time. Apart from that, I must say that the media does understand me very well on a certain level and had projected it in their reports such that everyone could view this matter logically by putting themselves in my shoes. For this, I truly am very thankful to you guys (the media)!”Raymond Lam professed that he would tread more cautiously the next time he ventures into loveFeels that he should follow fate but accepts blind-datingRaymond wondered aloud, “Actually, who doesn’t have an experience in love? My failure this time ’round doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t dare to venture into sea of love again. However, I would tread even more cautiously for now as the society in today’s modern times are extremely complicated such that the thoughts of many people are now distorted. It even comes to a point where their views on matters have become very perplexing. Although not everyone is like that, I would still tend to have my misgivings. This is also the reason why I don’t have many friends. Have I ever thought about getting married? Well, I don’t even have a prospective dating partner yet! I do, however, admit that I’m a contradictory person. When my niece/nephew was born, I felt that my sister had already helped us to fulfill the child-bearing obligations to our ancestors. However, on second thought, I am after all the eldest son in my family [re: An ancient Chinese belief that the eldest son has a responsibility to produce a heir or rather a son to carry on the bloodline of the family] and after witnessing such a scene, I found myself subconsciously imagining what would happen if I had a child of my own in the future. Actually, given my current age, it’s about time that I should set up a family of my own as I wouldn’t be as robust in taking care of my kids when I’m much older. Sometimes, I do think that I might even look handsome hugging my kids out on the streets! But of course I do know that this won’t be an easy task as it is very difficult to meet someone who is truly right for you.”“Furthermore, it’s really complex to see the true nature of a person such that you can’t fathom what the person truly sees in you, what she actually likes about you. I must clarify that these are not afterthoughts left behind from being badly hurt in love but I just felt that I wasn’t mature enough to handle the matter at that point in time. In the past, there was no such thing as a dating life for me. As such, my family often thought about arranging for me to go on blind dates but, in actual fact, I secretly opposed the idea as I felt that blind dates were way too old-fashioned and kept thinking in my heart, “What kind of era are we currently living in?”. In the end, I did not attend any of the blind dates arranged. Despite my obvious signs of reluctance, my mother has recently resumed her former self of anxiously finding me another prospective girlfriend again by distributing a “gathering of heroes” invitation to all her distant relatives and friends, such that it’s akin to announcing that I’m ready for another relationship. However, this is really not the current case for me as I have become less of a forward-looking individual and more of a person who believes in following fate. But, honestly, isn’t life supposed to be like that? Having our upsides and downsides are only part and parcel of life. In fact, who doesn’t want to be loved and fondled in this world? After all, I’m always the one cajoling others when I step into character during filming hence it’s only natural to inevitably hope that someone else would please me after a long day of filming! But it’s okay, I’m not completely disheartened as I firmly believe that that day will eventually come.”Analyzing each and every one of his rumored girlfriends; Raymond Lam feels that Linda Chung looks most compatible onscreen with him and thus hopes to continue their previous affinityRaymond’s rumored girlfriends are simply too many to count by our bare fingers but it seemed like all of them were his ex co-stars from the previous dramas that he had starred in. The list includes frequent onscreen partner Tavia Yeung (楊怡) who had been paired up with him as early as in the year 2002 for TVB classic drama, Golden Faith《流金岁月》, as well as in the year 2010 for Mysteries of Love《谈情说案》and in the recently-concluded series, Men With No Shadows《不速之約》, TVB Fadan actress Linda Chung (鍾嘉欣) who had collaborated with him for Heart of Greed 《溏心風暴》and Moonlight Resonance《溏心風暴之家好月圓》, former TVB renowned artiste Charmaine Sheh (佘詩曼) who had been partnered up with him for TVB-China commemorative production, Drive of Life《歲月風雲》, and The Colorful World of Sister Fa《花花世界花家姐》, promising young movie starlet Rose Chan (陳嘉桓) who guest-starred in two of his MVs (Music Videos) and etc. However, according to Raymond, none of them instilled a romantic spark in him and neither did he exchange any electrifying glances with them in real life. Trying to put his point across, Raymond analyzes the list of his rumored girlfriends one by one…Linda ChungPossibility of dating Raymond Lam: ★★★★★Charmaine ShehPossibility of dating Raymond Lam: ★★★Rose ChanPossibility of dating Raymond Lam: ★Tavia YeungPossibility of dating Raymond Lam: ★★Raymond Lam revealed that he was on very familiar terms with Tavia Yeung as he has known her for more than a decade now, ever since their course-mates days back in the 13th TVB Artiste Training Course in 1998. Adding onto that familiarity, Raymond had also collaborated several times with Tavia for the filming of dramas. As such, Raymond professed in a joking manner that he had already gotten “tired” of facing Tavia all day long. Jokes aside, Raymond hugely praised Tavia for staying true to herself and not changing her personality for many years now. Raymond explained, “In my eyes, Tavia has always been a tomboy as she usually has these huge gestures such that she will move about freely everyday, in a non-stop manner. Apart from that, Tavia also loves to talk hence I hardly utter a word when she’s around as she is already enough noisy! However, I do work well with her when we film scenes together.”Since Raymond was too overfamiliar with Tavia to be more than just friends, then what about Linda Chung whom he was heavily rumored with, due to their convincing couple image in “Moonlight Resonance”?In reply to this, Raymond remarked that both of their external appearances made them look extremely compatible, such that the audiences were receptive to it, thus fueling the rumors to last for so long, even up till today! Raymond also laughed and admitted that given a chance, he would also love to continue his onscreen affinity with Linda Chung. As for TV Queen Charmaine Sheh, Raymond hugely praised her for being a good and experienced actress who often brought him into the scene when they were filming “Drive of Life” and “The Colorful World of Sister Fa” together. Raymond also added that he had observed Charmaine to be a senior with a strong resolution. Asked about being rumored together with Rose Chan, Raymond sighed that he was also helpless when their only collaboration had been for his MVs.Mavis Pan’s fame escalated through the roof after the leakage of the fully clothed bed photos with Raymond Lam; Oddly enough, Mavis Pan kept her sexy image at bay by covering up after gaining notorietyEver since her fully clothed bed photos with Raymond Lam had been “accidentally” leaked, little known Mainland starlet Mavis Pan, who has the moniker of “Little Shu Qi” for her plump and luscious lips, became the highest search entry amongst the search engines. Upon searching or rather googling her name, one would easily chance upon sexy photos of her showcasing her stunning womanly curves. This thus made her a target of the paparazzi and stirred up an interest in the movie industry, catching the keen eye of movie producers as a potential movie actress. However, Mavis Pan soon became nonchalant about the notorious fame and did not accept all the job opportunities offered to her, even pulling out of the plans to release her autobiography (which she was invited to shoot after the bed photos scandal). Not taking into account the Wong Jing (王晶) movie, Treasure Inn《財神客棧》, which she filmed before she became this famous, Mavis Pan had only accepted one movie deal to date, which was none other than the Mainland action movie, Admiral《五星上將》. It was known that Mavis had apparently turned down filming movies which required her to be scantily clad, preferring to be known as a action gongfu movie star rather than revealing any skin.Other than that, Mavis had uploaded a close-up photo of herself onto popular Chinese microblogging social site, Weibo, in recent days. In the photo, her brows were furrowed close together and she looked deep in thought, looking as if she was heavily troubled by some perplexing matters. In the accompanying Weibo tweet that Mavis uploaded along with the photo, she wrote, “I feel very lost and confused out of a sudden, like I don’t know him/her anymore.” Without even having a clue on what or whom she was implying to, hordes of fans left messages of concern for her once her Weibo tweet was sent out. Apart from that, the fans also complimented her for increasingly resembling famed Hong Kong model-actress, Angelababy (杨颖), in recent days.Will Raymond Lam be moving his home to snip his rapid love luck or rather peach blossom in the bud?Raymond Lam’s awesome luck in love may have allegedly stemmed from his “peach blossom” home. Following the leakage of the fully clothed bed photos with Mavis Pan, which were taken in his residence, there were also reports exposing that a female friend from his hometown, Xiamen’s Angel Fang (芳芳), had free access to his home, entering and exiting it as and whenever she liked! In the reports, it was noted that Angel Fang had snapped photos of herself with the surroundings of Raymond’s home and Raymond’s beloved dog and uploaded them onto Weibo thus stirring up rife speculations of being romantically linked to Raymond. However, the rumor eventually stopped when Raymond flatly denied any romantic allegations through the distribution of a press release to the media.When the reporter pointed that the root of all his alleged scandals lied in his “peach blossom” home, Raymond remarked that he had always thought of taking an indifference stance towards matters and following the bed photos scandal with Mavis Pan, Raymond professed that he was even more determined than before not to discuss love-related matters with the media in the future.Asked whether he would relocate his home elsewhere in order to snip the “peach blossom” luck by the bud or stop inviting female friends to his residence to play or have a tour around his home from now onwards, Raymond expressed that he did not wish to respond to this question. Raymond, however, later added that it would be hard for him to draw an absolutely clear line with his friends and it was hardly possible to restrict others from visiting his home.Source: Oriental DailyCredits

In recent years, ATV has often been faced with precarious financial situations. In August 2011, ATV announced a series of big moves through the release of several programs which were produced in-house. Now, a new turbulence erupted, as ATV filed for bankruptcy yesterday afternoon. ATV’s majority shareholder, Tsai Eng Ming’s subsidiary, Norwares Overseas Inc. applied for ATV’s bankruptcy at the Hong Kong High Court.In 2008, Taiwanese billionaire, Tsai Eng Ming, Chairman of Want Want Group, injected cash assistance into ATV to become its majority shareholder. Despite this, ATV was rumored to be on the brink of bankruptcy once again in 2010. ATV’s two majority shareholders, Tsai Eng Ming and Payson Cha, had an open war of words last year over the company’s equity issues.How will the filing of bankruptcy impact ATV? A representative from ATV responded, “Mr. Tsai’s company’s $150 million HKD in convertible bonds and interest were returned last year, while Mr. Tsai applied for a court injunction prohibiting the release of $23 million in convertible bonds of the company. Now, Mr. Tsai used these grounds to withdraw his stake from ATV. For the sake of the overall situation, ATV agreed to let Mr. Tsai redeem this portion of the funds.” According to the interpretation of a legal professional over the matter, under Hong Kong law, shareholders can apply for bankruptcy on the grounds of insolvent funds, regardless of how many shares were held.Repeated Financial DifficultiesA reader revealed that ATV did not pay outstanding lease amounts on the automobiles used by the ATV news department. If ATV did not pay the vehicle lease amounts by the deadline this weekend, the automobiles will be towed away. ATV’s Public Relations department did not respond on the matter. On September 29th, ATV released an internal circular which stated that due to the local typhoon, the issuance of employees’ monthly paychecks will be postponed from September 30th to October 3rd. An ATV Public Relations spokesman explained that the remittance came from the mainland, thus the issuance of employee paychecks were delayed due to the typhoon occurrence.In addition, there were rumors that more than a dozen ATV production staff were poached [by another television station]. Yip Ka Boa stated, “In the past, there were also employee departures, however, no one paid attention to the matter. ATV will not take the situation lightly, but will instead strengthen talents in the scriptwriting department. As to whether salaries will be increased in order to retain employees, this will be dependent upon the circumstances. We do not wish to increase salaries simply due to the departure of staff. The company already made annual pay adjustments in the middle of the year.” Asked whether ATV will follow TVB’s issuance of letters to employees warning of the poaching crisis, Yip Ka Bao noted that each company had its own practices. Since the licenses for the three free television broadcasting stations have not been issued yet, ATV will not heed other television stations’ practices.Amidst Increased Competition, A Bleak Future Ahead for ATVIn the past decade, equity disputes at ATV persisted and coupled with frequent high-level management changes, ATV was at a disadvantage in competing with rival, TVB. ATV now faced another heavy crisis ahead. Due to the Hong Kong government’s intention to expand free public television, urban telecommunications, as well as cable broadband, the availability of free television licenses were announced in December 2009.Currently, Hong Kong had two free television stations, ATV and TVB, along with four fee-based stations. Three new free television broadcasting stations are expected to enter the market in 2012, including Ricky Wong’s City Telecom, Richard Li’s PCCW, as well as I-Cable TV.The increase in competition in the free television broadcasting market may pose additional financial difficulties for ATV. Associate Professor, Feng Ying Qian at the City University of Hong Kong School of Journalism and Communication, noted, “ATV is different from TVB and Shaw Brothers in the aspect that ATV does not have real estate and other fixed assets.”ATV shareholder, Payson Cha, openly stated that free competition in the television broadcasting industry was a negative development for ATV. Mr. Cha stated, “For the audience, more competition and more choices are good things. However, for ATV, this is a very bad development.”Excerpt from Sohu.comCredits

Since the highly controversial Hollywood sequel, Resident Evil: Retribution was initially revealed, each casting announcement made one wide-eyed. For Chinese fans of the Resident Evil installments, the addition of Li Bingbing (李冰冰) to the cast of the fifth film installment based on the popular game title will serve as another exciting reason to look forward to the movie!A few days ago, Resident Evil: Retribution star, Milla Jovovich, broke the news that Li Bingbing will be joining the film’s cast as “Ada Wong.” Milla wrote on her Twitter account, “Drum roll please! So, Ada Wong in RE5 is being played by Chinese actress Li Bingbing! We’re so excited! check [her] out on IMDB!”In fact, on September 23rd, it was revealed that original game characters from Resident Evil, Ada Wong, Leon S. Kennedy, and Barry Burton, will make their first big screen appearances in Resident Evil: Retribution. With the announcement that Ada Wong will be played by the beautiful Li Bingbing, the news made one pleasantly surpised and look forward to her brilliant performance.In the Resident Evil game, the character of Ada Wong was born in 1974 and had a mixed lineage of American and Chinese parents. Ada was a secret agent of a powerful, mysterious group known as the “Organization” and made her first appearance in the game Resident Evil 2. Since the characters of Ada Wong and Leon S. Kennedy will make their first big screen appearance in Resident Evil: Retribution, it was speculated that Director Paul Anderson will likely depict the emotional love entanglements between the two characters.As a popular mainland actress, Li Bingbing’s recent critically acclaimed films included The Knot <云水谣>, The Message <风声>, and Detective Dee and the Mystery of the Phantom Flame <狄仁杰之通天帝国>. Li Bingbing’s latest film, 1911 <辛亥革命>, was released in North American theaters several days ago. Previously, Li Bingbing starred opposite Hugh Jackman in Snow Flower and the Secret Fan <雪花與秘扇>. Portraying the classic game character of Ada Wong in Resident Evil: Retribution will pose as a new challenge for Bingbing.Other cast members for Resident Evil: Retribution include Milla Jovovich, Michelle Rodriguez, Shawn Roberts, and Colin Salmon. No doubt, Resident Evil: Retribution is bound to start another strong wave of zombie horror. Filming for the movie will start soon; the movie will be released in 3D format on September 14, 2012 in North America.Source: Sohu.comCredits

Appearing as a guest on TVB executive, Fung Mei Gei (馮美基) and Margie Tsang’s (曾華倩) program, May’s Invitation <May姐有請>, Michael Tse (謝天華) revealed that he attended a costume fitting for the new “Laughing Gor” movie, Potential Criminals <潛罪犯> earlier.Asked whether earlier rumors denoting that Miss Hong Kong 2011 winner, Rebecca Zhu (朱晨麗), will replace Fala Chen (陳法拉) as “Laughing So” and play the female lead in Potential Criminals, Michael revealed that the casting decisions were not finalized yet. Michael hoped that an actress with strong acting skills will be cast in the role, to increase the film quality of the production. Would this disqualify Rebecca Zhu from being cast as “Laughing So”? Michael laughed and said that perhaps Rebecca’s talent may be apparent in her first film, similar to what had occured in Cecilia Cheung’s (張柏芝) case.Credits

October 10th was Wu Chun’s (吴尊) 32nd birthday. Wu Chun was currently filming Ronny Yu’s (于仁泰) new movie, Valiant Legend <忠烈杨家将> in the outskirts of Beijing. Since his presence was required in many scenes, Wu Chun was unable to take time off to celebrate his birthday with his family and remained in the Beijing area to work instead.On Wu Chun’s birthday, he filmed scenes where the Yang family of warriors were besieged by their enemies. On the set were Adam Cheung (郑少秋), who played the Yang patriarch, Ekin Cheng (郑伊健) as the elder Yang son, Yu Bo (于波) as the second son, Vic Zhou (周渝民) as the third son, Liny Li (李晨) as the fourth son, Raymond Lam (林峰) as the fifth son, and Fu Xinbo (付辛博) as the seventh son. The cast and crew of Valiant Legend planned a surprise party for Wu Chun and everyone was forbidden to wish him a happy birthday earlier in the day. A birthday cake was ordered in advance and the crew hoped to give Wu Chun a memorable birthday. The day’s filming took place at a remote desert location, which required several hours back and forth driving from the center of Beijing. In early dawn, a crew member picked up the birthday cake to deliver to the filming location by noon time for the celebration.The plans for the surprise birthday celebration were implmented very successfully. Prior to lunch time, Wu Chun stayed on the set to film a close-up shot. Contrary to their normal routine, Adam Cheng and the other six “Yang sons” abruptly left to go eat lunch without Wu Chun, who was left alone with crew members. In fact, everyone waited by the studio door for Wu Chun to finish filming so they can surprise him with the birthday cake. When Wu Chun saw Adam Cheng and his other “brothers” gathered together singing a happy birthday song, he was surprised and very moved.Wu Chun said happily, “My past birthdays were normally celebrated with my father at home. This year, I had to stay in Beijing to fim as recent scenes required the presence of all the cast members; I cannot have everyone wait for me to come back. Although my birthday was spent in the studio, I never expected everyone to celebrate with me. When I saw my father and brothers from the movie singing a birthday song, that moment felt really warm and touching! It was the first time I celebrated my birthday with so many brothers and crew members. Fortunately the size of the birthday cake was large enough to share with everyone!”Normally loving to play the most, Ekin Cheng and Raymond Lam said, “Since we have filmed together for more than a month, we got along like real brothers. It was very difficult to hold back and not wish Wu Chun a happy birthday earlier in the morning. When it was lunch time, we had to pretend to leave without him. Normally, we would always eat lunch with him. When we saw Wu Chun’s expression upon holding the birthday cake, we knew that our plan was a big success!”Source: Sohu.comCredits


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Asian Entertainment News
Raymond Lam Loving Too Intensely: The Most Heartbreaking Of All
ATV Files for Bankruptcy Due to Repeated Financial Difficulties
Li Bingbing to Star in Hollywood Movie, “Resident Evil: Retribution”
Michael Tse Reveals Female Lead of New Laughing Gor Movie Still Undecided
Wu Chun Celebrates 32nd Birthday With “Valiant Legend” Cast
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